Life and Death situations

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Hey guys!!! I hope you have an awsome day today and lets get to the news.

I was woken up by my mom this morning because she said that she needed help. So when I woke up, I asked her what was wrong. Then an idea came to me about my guinea pig. His name was in Hawaiian which I don't km now how to spell it but in English it meant the "sky is silver" but we just called him Nana. Anyways, I asked what was wrong and the thought came to my head that something was wrong with him because he wasn't his usual self either when he's eating or when we go to pick him up out of the cage, he always tries to run away from my hand. But then I saw the look on my mom's face and I told my self not to jump to conclusions and just stay calm, that's when it all happened. She told me that he past away in his cage and she needed some help of getting him out to bury him when my dad came home from his hair appointment. Since I was in my room I just looked at her like she was crazy or like she was trying to physically hurt me. I was crying for a little while when she left out of my room because I just don't like crying in front of others or crying at all. So I cleaned my self up a little bit but I guess I couldn't hold it in when I went to go get him out of the cage. He was laying down in one of the tunnels that they have in their cages (reason why I'm saying they is because I had two boys and the other is still alive thank you lord). So couldn't keep the tears in so I let them be and they ran down all  over my face.

When I was OK and wasn't crying anymore, I decided to read a Sasuke x Reader fanfiction. Then when I was reading something that the author had put on there, it said that her little kitten had been killed by a coyote and her stepfather didn't bother to comfort her. I feel really bad and sad to hear that. So I decided to put in to comments saying that I understand what she was going through because I have delt with that basically my whole life, but I never mentioned about her stepfather cuz I would never understand what she went through it that because I never had a stepfather or step parent ever. I feel really sorry for her because I'm guessing that was the first time she ever dealt with a pet dying. And I'm sitting here thinking that it's not that bad. But I do know what it feels like when they're in pain and you can't do anything about it I've dealt with that many times before I even went depressed because I couldn't do anything to help. If that author that I'm talking about is reading this I am deeply sorry for you even though it's not supposed to be the way that was with your kitten I really do advise you and your parents to go to Dog Warriors website and look at the animals there. They are a really good rescue because I work with them with my family and I Foster dogs.

I feel really bad for anyone who has gone through this in their past because no one should ever have to go through that. Especially with the ones they love and care about. This might not be all about drama but it will be about the stuff that I go through and I hope that you guys learn from. Because I don't want anyone else to make the same mistakes that I did. No one should wake up and expect a loved one dead in their house for suffering from any medical or injuries. I will tag the person who went through the coyote and the kitten problem. Again I feel really really bad for anyone who goes to this in their life, because no one should go through this. No one should wake up in the mornings by their parents or by anyone saying that they have to bury someone or an animal that has been deeply loved by you or by someone else.

Her is the tag and please go and check that author out.


Please go check that author out and give her all the hugs you can give her!! See you guys next time


~ Galaxy L.

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