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 Hey guys!I know its probably been atleast a year or so since my last post, but right now its time for an update. 

These are gonna be based off of the different chapters that I have made then there would probably be more 

Broken Heart: Earlier in 2019, before all chaos had happened, we had gotten together for a few months then he texted me when I was sick and at home saying that he wanted to break up. I now have no contact with due to his actions and him respecting my wishes of being left alone. That was very VERY hard to do, but I talked to my friends and mother. 

Idk The way of the Wattpad: I am now trying to make more stories and some are just being updated to make myself not look like an idiot and help the story not be as cringey as I think it is. WHen I first started this book, I had no clue how to work anything and literally did not know how I was getting "messages from Wattpad" or "someone commented on your chapter". I'll tell you it's halarious of how many times I asked my friend for help. 

Respect: For @Zodiac12388,  I hope you and your writings go well and I still think that it needs to be heard to have some respect for the writers because they put time and effort into making stories and put something up that you enjoy reading. If you dont like the type of language they use in their stories, it doesnt give you the right to comment on the post saying stuff like "There's kids probably reading this, watch your language" or "Using the word 'breast' is very childish of you" no. keep your words in your mouth Karen, and dont read the book. It's just simple to be honest. 

Ghosts: I haven't watched his videos ever since like 2 years ago. I honestly dont know why I watched his videos to be honest. I guess I was childish or something I dont know....

Another STORY: I am currently trying to edit and update some stories. So if you guys see that I posted an update or started a story. Please let me know what you think I could improve, or I cant change, or what I can continue on doing because even though I am making multiple stories and Im jsut making the edits and updates. I am very insecure about what I put on here because I want to try to put on yalls standards. Even though some arent really stories, I still overthinking about if it was good enough or if I put to much in there. 

So, more updates that are not in the past posts. I lost my dog that was like a son to me, which caused problems with my bestfriend who is also the person I'm talking about in 'Broken Heart'. Like I said, I have no ties with him anymore. The only way I will have anything to do with him is if there is some kind of friend gathering that we make within an old friend group. Even then, I probably wouldn't acknowlegde that he is there. 

   I will make a post of what all happened if you guys want

I am currently trying to decide if I should try to hang out with some old friends but knowing me, some of them probably wants nothing to do with me since I decided to cut ties with my ex.

Anyways, I will try to post something every now and I would like to hear from some people if they still use this app. Right now, let me know if you want me to explain all of what happened between me and my ex. I am perfectly comfortable with explaining the whole story, so please dont tell me that I cant if I want to. I want to, but I aint trying to post something that yall arent interested in. 

Have a good day/night and I hope to be hearing from some of you guys! Hasta Luego!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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