Just Because

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     What's good?!? I know mostly everyone has either started school or is about done with the first quarter, so I'm guessing you are questioning " why are you updating when everyone's in school?". My answer is I have enough time to do one update and or edit on one of my books. So I wanted to update just because and the fact that I haven't done this in a while.

I realize that one of my friends had Wattpad also so I followed her which you can find on my following and followers. Another reason I posted this is because I wanted to post some questions for people I haven't done to in awhile. Which also includes my friend. It might also be a lot quicker for me to update this so I can edit and also update on another story that I've been working on.

There's another reason I've been updating this is because of this thing that going on in my head during school. I rather not talk about it but it's just about me and another friend of mine. He said that won't be going to the same high school as me and that he would be with another friend of mine at Westover. #Iwanttogotheretoo!! He also said that he was going to Texas for awhile too. I only met him in sixth grade so I really am sad about this and depressed of how he is leaving and I'm going to be alone and have no one to have support when I need it or have no one's shoulder to lay on when I need it I can't have someone hug me when they think I'm not okay when I say I am. He's one of those friends that no matter how or what I feel like if I feel like a piece of poop or if my head is hurting or you coming feeling really really happy or excited about something he's always there to give me a hug and be there for me and and I don't know what I would do without him........

Anyways let's not think about the negatives and think about the positive every day in life because no matter what you think there's always going to be ups and downs in life and Rise Up to the top. So I don't want to think about the negatives of how he is leaving and how he's not going to be at the same high school as me or that I'm not going to have someone actually care about me in a different life in a different world. But I would have to think about how he is going to be happy forever he is and how he is going to be with my other friend which is his friend also so I'm hoping that I could just get his contacts and stuff and just had to deal with that until I can see him again. I would have to think about how he is going to live a better life and how he's going to be in a better place then where he is now not saying that he is but he might. You might think this is cringy, but the friend of mine I was talking about earlier is actually going to understand because they all go to the same school as me I don't know if that person like understand or know who that person is but I don't really want to talk about it right now.

Now let's get on to the questions!!!!
1. What's your favorite time of the year?
2. Would you rather eat food all the time or drink all the time?
3. What is your best friend's name?
4. How many best friends do you have?
5. How many people on Wattpad do you know personally?

And here is the tagz!

I really do hope you guys have a great time in school! Hope you guys don't think I'm really cringey cuz I'm really not honestly. And I'll see you guys next time!!!

~Galaxy L. Snow


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