Chapter 7: Homecoming

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It was horrible. Jake ignored me for the rest of the week. I spent one and half days trying to talk to him, trying to get his attention, and received absolutely nothing in response.




He refused to acknowledge my presence, and after him ignoring me on Thursday during lunch at school, I finally decided that two could play at that game.

I ignored him just as much as he ignored me, not even looking at him. When he sat next to me at lunch we sat with a large space in between us.

At the dinner table, if I wanted salt, I asked Tyler, even if it was on the opposite end of the table where he was sitting. I asked Tyler even if it was right in front of Jake.

We were both very good at holding grudges, we could usually go weeks without talking to someone if the backstabbed us or did something they shouldn’t have. And usually, when I did that, I was okay. I was fine. Normally, I didn't feel guilty, but with Jake it was different.

I wanted to talk to him. I want to sit next to him. I wanted to feel him next me at the lunch table. I wanted things to go back to the way they were.

At least, half of me did. The other half wanted things to change. That other part wanted to be more than friends with Jake, more than what we used too.

And I realized I was just like Jake--scared. It annoyed me to no end.

So I decided I’d give him one more night, just tonight, to ignore me. Tomorrow, I would win him back.

Even if drastic forces needed to be involved.


“Tyler, I think I just screwed everything up royally,” I groaned, flopping down onto his bed.

“What shock,” he said sarcastically.

It was Friday night, the night of the dreaded Homecoming. Tyler was busy getting ready to go and pick Kristen up and go to the stupid dance, and he didn’t appear to care too much about my problems.

“Tyler, I’m serious. I need help,” I pleaded, feeling desperate.

He sighed. “Why can’t you ask your friends?”

I bit my lip. I still hadn’t told Jolene and Leena about the whole ‘Jake Problem’.

“Because, I figured you were Jake’s best friend and you would know the most about him and my problem,” I said instead.

“Oh fine. But you owe me." He flopped down on a chair with his white fancy shirt still half unbuttoned. “What’s the emergency?”

“Well, Wednesday morning Jake seemed really off, and when I asked what was wrong he said he couldn’t tell me, so I got pissed then he got pissed then he told me he liked me and I didn’t say anything ‘cause I was so shocked and I wasn’t sure if I felt the same way but I do and now he hates me and I don’t know what to do!” I said, rushing through the whole story without even taking a breath.

Tyler blinked.

“Jake told you he liked you?” Tyler asked slowly.


“It’s about time!” 


“Sorry,” he said, re-arranging his face so he was no longer smiling. “Ok, so he told you he likes you. You like him. What’s the problem?”

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