Chapter 30: Fighting

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“Ivy you’re being ridiculous,” Jake practically snapped at me.

“How am I being ridiculous exactly? I refuse to have a repeat performance of before. I rather be frozen,” I retorted. In the past two hours we’d gone from him trying to talk to me and me trying to ignore him, to both of us struggling to control our tempers.

“You’d rather be by yourself, frozen, than have me keep you warm at least? And who said we’d kiss again? If you don’t recall you kissed me, not the other way around,” he shot back, glaring at me.

“If you don’t recall, who pulled away first? Who didn’t object to it?” I countered, “Face it Jake, we’re both at fault here. But clearly, neither of us can be trusted so maybe its best we stay away from each other.”

“Oh really? Then get out of the car and walk home,” he said bitterly, turning around to face the windshield again.

“You know what I meant,” I grit my teeth in annoyance. “Neither of us has any form of self control and I’m not really up to tempting fate again.”

“I didn’t cheat on you for fuck’s sake!” he practically shouted.

I sat up, anger flaring up. “How am I supposed to know that Jake? Do I look like goddamn psychic to you? What are the odds, really, of Shannon waiting just for us to get together to kiss you? Really, Jake. Don’t you realize how utterly stupid that sounds?”

“That’s not what I’m saying,” he said, words clipped, tone sharp and just barely under control.

“Then what are you saying exactly, Jake? Please, enlighten me.” I leaned back against the door, arms folded under the blankets while I shuddered from being so cold.

“I’m saying I didn’t kiss her! Who gives a crap about why she kissed me? All I really see that’s important is that she did since that’s what made you dump me." He hit the steering wheel with his fist, utterly frustrated with me.

“Oh, and not the reason that you waited days before telling me?” I replied sarcastically.

“You know that’s not the reason,” he practically growled.

“Well it didn’t exactly help you much either, now did it?”

“I can never win with you!” he grabbed his hair, his frustration threatening to boil over. While I knew this, I just couldn’t stop antagonizing him. I was in a foul mood, and still more than sore and guilty from Jake cheating, as well as myself tonight.

“Well jeez Jake, since when was this a game?” I snorted, “People fight all the time. Deal with it. It’s how the world works. Not everyone has to stay together all the time.”

“You think I don’t know that? I see it every goddamn day. I can never go a night without it. So if anyone would know about fighting and separating it’d be me.” He put his head in his hands, sounding helpless and hopeless and…broken.

I closed my eyes, clenching my jaw to keep my teeth from chattering, rubbing my arms to keep warm while the car rocked slightly from the harsh winds.


“No. Don’t even bother Ivy, we both know you don’t give a shit."

“I do give a shit! If I didn’t care about you do you think we’d still be friends right now? Do you think I’d be in this stupid car with you? Do you think I would have kissed you if I didn’t still have feelings for you?” I nearly shouted, my anger and annoyance quickly reaching its maximum.

“If you still have feelings for me then why are you with some douche bag that’s probably been around more than Shannon has? Why’d you break up with me if that’s the truth?” he challenged, turning around again to face me, green eyes blazing in the near darkness.

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