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Clyde's POV
"Yo, Token, what's up with Craig and Kenny; they've been avoiding each other?" I turned to face the dark skinned male "I don't know man" he shrugged "the aura just seems: awkward" I shrugged as I shut my locker, walking off with token not to far behind.

"Alright, although I have practice after school" "oh me too, I have volleyball. But they took the gym so we have to practice outside" I nodded "so I'll see you after school anyway" I smiled softly "yeah" he smiled and pulled up his hood "see ya later, craigster" he waved "see ya, kenny" I waved back.

(Ya I'm skipping to practice, also I have no idea how baseball works)
"Nice run, Craig!" Coach slapped my back "10 minute break, then we run laps for the last 5 minutes!" Coaches voice bellowed "craig, you want to watch kenny practice?" Clyde approached me "sure" I responded.
"It's a free!" "Nice pass!" "Kenny! Go outside, go outside!" I leaned up against the wall, "Kyle!" I heard kenny call as his blonde hair moved along with his body "good set, kenny!" "Good hit, Kyle!" The boys high fived. "Craig!" Clyde waved his hand in front of me "what" I snapped "it's time to run" he walked off "yeah, whatever" I mumbled jogging off to meet Clyde again. "Good job today boys!, this season is looking good!" Murmurs of approval whispered upon the group. "I'm gonna go watch, you wanna go?" I asked Clyde "nah, I got something with Bebe" he said, waving "see ya" he chirped while walking away "bye" I started off to the field.
"Kyle, last hit!" Kenny called, as Kyle hit the ball down to the other side of the net "Good job today boys!" Their coach called "Kenny, excellent job!" "Thanks coach" Kenny said, smiling "alright, see ya tomorrow boys!" The coach dismissed. Kenny stopped to talk to Kyle. I leaned against the wall, shamelessly staring. Kyle looked at me, causing Kenny to turn. I smirked as Kenny said farewell to the ginger and made his way to me "Hey" he greeted "Hey" I said, staring into his beautiful eyes "how was practice?" He asked, lifting an eyebrow "you know, the usual" I grinned "what do you mean by 'usual'?" He questioned, eyebrow still raised "since we run a lot in practice, girls normally will stand and watch" I stated not breaking eye contact "why do they just stand there; I could hear them from the field" he looked down"because the other boys take off their shirts because it's hot" I smirked "interesting.. would Craig Fucker happen to do that?" he said, gaze fixed on me, his eyebrow lifted. I looked around; no one in sight, I smirked, oh of course I do, it gets way to hot, the girls love it!" i said, smirked at the glaring blonde, he huffed and turned "whatever,
I don't care," Kenny pouted, "aw, is ken jealous? There's no need to be" I whispered stepping closer "I know. But even though we're not even together, it's extremely hard not to be jealous" he whispered out, not meeting my gaze, I cupped his cheek with my hand "Kenny, I feel the same way. It's so hard to hold back my urges, but I want to take this slow; we've both been hurt. So I don't want to rush in. But I believe you are for me, I think you'll be the one I truly love" he pressed his forehead on my shoulder, as I stopped my arms around his waist. He looked up, leaning in to kiss my lips "I think I might love you too, Craig Tucker"

I'm soo sorry it's short, but hat seemed like the perfect spot to end It. Again, I'm extremely sorry, but I'll try and get a bunch of chapters out... I don't know if it'll work because I'm on vacation with my best friend (theassholeherself ) I would totally go follow her, she's an amazing author. Her first book is about to go up, so totally go follow her👽

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