
569 15 10

Yo, I'm still writing 15 so I just kinda wrote a side chapter. Anyway, thanks. Love y'all

I got a plane in the middle of the night, don't you mind?
Everything had gone to utter shit for Craig. He just, didn't feel it anymore. He never really felt much of anything. He smoked a lot now, almost two packs a day. It's the only thing that ironically, put the air in his lungs to help him breathe.
I nearly killed somebody, don't you mind, don't you mind?
Craig had gone to so many parties, just hoping to forget about his past lover. Nothing ever really worked though. He would drink and drink until he didn't even know his own name. Or his for that matter.
I gave you something you can never give back, don't you mind?
Tweek was once his everything. He hates tweek, and everyone for that matter. To say the least, Craig was shattered.
You've seen your face like a heart attack, don't you mind, don't you mind?
Craig remembered that day vividly. Much more vivid than he would like. The door slamming was the part he remembered most.
I was late, but I arrived
Craig has fallen in love. Not with tweek, no. It was someone worse, the person he hated the most. The beauty and the beast, Kenny McCormick. Craig has never told anyone of course, but tweek knew. The truths Craig whispered as he slept turned sweet to sour. The soft words once made tweek smile, only bring him crashing down now. For it was no longer tweek's name that danced along Craig's lips as he slept.
I'm sorry but I'd rather be getting high than watching the family die
Craig had been oblivious, thinking his secret was safe. Tweek didn't want to believe it of course, but the truth was shadowing him. After tweek had left, Craig fell apart, drinking, smoking, even drugs. Craig had very little now, his parents were drifting and filing for a divorce. His family was dead, but he didn't care, Craig barely spent any time at home anymore. He knew what would happen anyway; non stop arguments.
Exaggerate, you and I
Tweek was quiet? oh hell no. He told Clyde about Kenny, Clyde was pissed. As soon as Craig had walked into school, he weaved his way through the circle of people to see what had happened. Clyde had Kenny pinned down while Kenny tried to cover himself. It wasn't the fight that was necessarily concerning, no, it was the blood. Blood has sprawled itself on the floor from the pair. Craig almost barfed at the scene. Tweek laughed from the side as Clyde kneed Kenny in his stomach, kenny coughing as the pair stood up. Craig quickly grabbed Kenny and pulled him back. "Aw don't ruin the fun" Clyde had chuckled as he wiped his lip. Craig had only rolled his eyes at the male. "Oh my apologies for beating the absolute shit out of your precious boyfriend." The crowed chuckled, Clyde's smirk only growing. "He's not even my boyfriend" Craig's voice wasn't very loud, barely audible from the loud crowd. Tweek's glare never left Craig's back as he walked away, the blond draped around his shoulders. Tweek wanted to cry. The way Kenny's body fit so perfectly with Craig's was undeniable.
Oh I think I did something terrible to your body, don't you mind?
Craig remembered that morning all to well. Waking up next to tweek but only seeing Kenny. Craig had given up at that point. His fantasies about Kenny were deadly to him. The thought of him killed his lungs. His touch substituted by cigarettes. Tweek had to watch the downfall. He knew about everything. It killed him to know that he was not the one Craig wanted. Tweek tried, he tried to make Craig only want him. But everytime they made love, as quiet as it was, it wasn't tweek's name that he called.
I put your mother through hell, don't you mind?
I hurt your brother as well, don't you mind, don't you mind?
Tweek only cried as Craig left to go to those parties. He knew what he was doing. He wasn't cheating, no. More of killing himself. Craig would drink and drink until he felt nothing. And when drugs came in, he was the first. Craig hates that he did all this, but it's the only thing he can do to forget. He was convinced his secret was safe and Tweek would never find out, but Clyde wasn't going to keep his mouth shut. Craig couldn't help all of this, he was so shattered. The definition of broken as it stands.
Oh I was thinking about killing myself, don't you mind?
Craig had tried many times to end it. But they were all too quick. He wanted slow and painful. So he became friends with Kenny, slowly rotting away as he sat and listened to Kenny talking about girls. Kenny had liked Craig since fourth grade, but Craig had been with tweek for years. From fourth to junior. Kenny thought it'd be better to distract himself from the boy and try to only look at girls, but his eyes only went back to Craig.
I love you, don't you mind, don't you mind?
Craig remembered the night he told Kenny he loved him. Kenny didn't reject him, no, he said it back. Craig left not to long after. He went home crying. He fell asleep that night, back turned towards tweek, scared to face him.
I put your mother through hell, don't you mind?
Eventually, word got out. Craig got destroyed by token and Clyde, Kenny got it too. Kenny didn't deserve any of this. Craig was the one who let it slip. He got drunk and let down his guard, spilling everything to jimmy. Jimmy was a loudmouth and told tweek the next day. Kenny's brother has told his parents out of good intention, but it only resulted in Kenny getting beat.
I hurt your brother as well, don't you mind, don't you mind?
Craig stared blankly as tweek yelled at him, he couldn't hear him. Craig had spaced out. Images of Kenny flashed in his mind. He had only snapped back when tweek's hand collided with his cheek. When he looked up, tweek was shaking in anger as Craig's eyes welled with tears. "I'm sorry." Was the only thing he could muster in that time. "Why?" Was all tweek said, slowly turning around and grabbing his bag full of stuff he had moved into Craig's room. "I'm so sorry." Craig broke down, falling to his knees. "I know you are. I'm sorry you ran out of love, Craig." Tweek said as he left, shutting his door with a soft thud.
Oh I was thinking bout killing myself, don't you mind?
Craig had gone from hospital to starks pond. Kenny has been asleep for the past few days, his father had given him a bad head injury. It hurt Craig to know that he caused all this. Kenny has gotten so much hate and abuse from his parents. Craig tried not to cry as he traced the word carved into Kenny's arm. 'Fag.' Kenny's dad had made him put it, as a permanent reminder that he was no longer his son. Craig rarely saw his family anymore. He only left his room to see Kenny and to go to the pond. Craig didn't go to school anymore, at least his parents let him do online school. Craig just didn't care anymore. Numb was an understatement.
I love you,
He'd sit there. Counting the stars on his ceiling until his eyes eventually clouded with tears. Craig hated crying. He absolutely hated it. But it's all he could do. He looked around, looking at all the stars on his ceiling, all his band posters, the song lyrics etched on his walls, his fairy lights hanging, his sketchbooks and journals sprawled out on the floor. Craig used to draw his feelings out all the time. Craig flipped through the book, staring at the gradual shift from tweek to Kenny. He threw the book, letting out a deep sigh. He rubbed his temples as he pushed his way off his bed to his closet. He wanted to give up, more than anything, but he was waiting for  Kenny. He doubted Kenny would want anything to do with him anymore, but still, he waited.
Don't you mind?
Craig spent his time at starks pond. patiently watching the calming water ripple, his eyes blurring from his lack of blinking.
"C-Craig?" A horse voice said.
Craig turned around, the strings of his hat swaying at the sudden movement.
"Kenny.." Craig breathed out, slowly getting up to meet the smiling blonde.
"How ya been craigster?" Kenny asked, limping towards the shivering boy.
"I-I've been okay.. what about you? I thought you didn't get out until next week..? Craig said, walking quickly to Kenny.
"I recovered faster than they thought so they let me out." Kenny said, letting out a soft smile at the gaping boy in front of him.
"Ken.. I'm so sorry" Craig broke, his cheeks displaying the rolling tears.
"It's alright Craig! You didn't do anything wrong, it was my damn family." Kenny said, wrapping his arms around the crying male. "I say we get the hell out of here though, I'm fucking tired of this town. Will you go with me, craigster?" Kenny asked, letting go of Craig and pushing him back by his shoulders.
"You're making it sound like a proposal, Ken," Craig said, sniffling slightly. Kenny chuckled, "Then in that case, Craig, as soon as we get out of here, I'll marry you. D-does that sound good?" Kenny said, staring directly into Craig's watery eyes.
"I-it's perfect, Kenny. I'm so sorry for everything, I-i really do love you Ken. I truly do." Craig said, resting his head on the blondes shoulder. Kenny wraped his arms around Craig's waist, taking in the rich scent of his new lover.
"I love you too Craig, really, I do." Kenny whispered into Craig's neck. The burning feeling of his skin against his own was enough to make his heart flutter even more than before.
"Let's get out of here. I stole my parents car and about 600 dollars, let's leave this place and get married somewhere, just start a new life. Away from everything and everyone. What do you say? Will you runaway with me?" Kenny smiled at his own words. Craig smiled into Kenny's shoulder. "Yeah, let's get out of here." Craig said, stepping away and grabbing Kenny's hand. 
Don't you mind?
The boys entered the car, soon pulling out of Starks pond.
"Can we make a stop at my house though? Just for a second." Craig asked, Kenny nodded, pulling into Craig's driveway. Craig got out, shuttling the door softly and walking towards the front door.
Kenny looked up from his phone to see his love walking towards the car with a small bag and a cage.
"You ready?" Kenny asked as Craig climbed in, throwing the bag in the backseat and gently placing the cage on the floor.
"Yeah, let's go. I managed to get a couple hundred bucks from my dad's wallet." Craig said, smiling at the blonde next to him.
"Then let's go, my dear." Kenny said, backing up and driving down the road. Soon passing the sign 'South Park city limits'  both excited to start together.

Heyyy sorry I really wanted to post this. Anyway hope you enjoyed. Byeeee

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