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Warning: smut. If you do not like smut, I'll give you a warning on where it is.

"ken, wake up someone is here for you"
I groaned and rolled over, pulling the blankets "kenny, seriously. Me and Linda already ate and you're still not up" Karen whined, I grumbled "Linda let him in!" Karen called "I got chu!" "Ken, wake uppp!" Karen whined as she shook my thin body, "wow, Ken" he chucked, "its 12:17, I think you should get up," "shut up, tucker. I can feel your smirk from here" I pulled the blanket over my head "shirts are in top drawer, sweatpants are in the drawer to the right. Then come lay with me" I yawned, opening my slender arms "alright" the sounds of shuffling filled my large room "why'd you come here anyway?" I mumbled, stroking Craig's soft hair as his body laid on my bed "I don't know, I just wanted to hang out with you" his gaze met mine as I looked down "why?" I asked "because I love you" he mumbled as he pressed his face into my chest "well I love you too" I said, playing with his hair.
"Linda take a picture!" "Alright!" "They're so cute!!" I opened my eyes, welcoming sunlight "what?" I groaned "we were gonna come in here and ask if you two wanted to go to lunch, bbuuuttt then me saw this and thought it was cute" Karen squealed "I cant lie kenny; your boyfriend is hot" Linda place her olive toned hand on her hip, I rolled my eyes "where do you want to go, angel?" I asked, Craig's arms still wrapped around my waist "how about...McDonald's" she cheered, I chuckled "alright, now leave" I stated, turning to face Craig "baby, wake up" I poked his cheek, he groaned "c'mon craigster, wake up. Karen wants McDonald's" I laughed as he hugged me tighter "fine, but you owe me for making me get up" he sat up, rubbing his eyes "you want me to drive?" I asked, pulling myself out of my bed "nah, I'll do it" he said, sitting at the edge of my bed "alright, I just feel like you drive way to much, I have my license you know" he chuckled "yeah, I know" he rolled his eyes "alright let's go" I said, pulling Craig up by his hand. We walked thought the apartment, fingers still intertwined "angel, Linda, let's go!" I said, stopping as we reached he front door "coming!" Footsteps rang through the house, soon Karen and Linda approached us slowly "let's go" Craig pulled my hand as we made our way to his car.
Soon, McDonald's came into my line of vision, we pulled in; stepping out of the car. "Welcome to McDonald's, how may I help you!" A peppy voice rang through he restaurant "Kenny, Craig?" We looked back, Jade slowly walked to our table "what are you two doing here?" She asked, a blush covering her face "well, I mean you're here to eat. Oh my god I'm so stupid" she stuttered "well, hey jade." I said intertwining my hand Craig's fingers under the table "Hey, kenny" dullness dancing in her words "hi, Craig" she twirled her auburn hair "hey" he rolled his eyes "do you wanna come eat with me instead of kenny?" She asked, resting her hand on her exposed hip "no, me and Kenny have practice" he stated, she rolled her eyes "practice for what, it's Saturday" she placed her hand on Craig's shoulder "sports, and besides; I'd rather do this than hang out with you. Ever." He swiped her hand "whatever" she walked away, swaying her hips "disgusting" he gagged "she seems like a slut" Karen took a bite out of her food "angel, watch it" I scolded "don't be so uptight" Craig wrapped his arm around my shoulders "fine"
"Craig, keys." I demanded, holding out my hand "no, princess. Can't do that" I scoffed, getting in the passenger side "asshole" I mumbled.
"Hey Kenny, can you drop us off as Mira's?" Karen asked "sure, but let's go get your stuff."
We sat in the parking lot outside, waiting for the girls. "Alright, let's go!" Karen hopped in, Linda following not to far behind.
"Bye, kenny" she called while walking towards Kenny's door "bye, angel" she kissed my cheek before walking off, they waited to see if anyone answered, Karen looked back to wave bye as Mira opened the door.

Warning: smut started here. Continue if you do not care.
Craig and I drove off, stopping in the parking lot. "Do you have any plans?" I questioned. "Not that I can think of" He looked up at me, removing the keys from the ignition. I looked at him, "I know that we are trying to take things slow but I just can't help myself.." My words trailed off. I looked down at my lap avoiding eye contact. "Kenny, I'm ready if you are" he smiled softly "I'm hella ready" I laughed.
The door slammed.. Craig's body pressed against mine.. Our hot breaths mingled together as our tongues danced. My eyes fluttered shut as he laid my body down on the soft bed. "Are you sure?" He asked, tendernes in his words. I nodded as he Craig pulled down my trousers, quicks breaths escaped my lips as Craig bobbed his head. I gripped my partners hair; moans escaped my lips. "c-craig" I groaned as I felt the knot in my stomach forming "craig stop" I groaned, gripping his hair "C-Craig" I bucked my hips softly as I came "Craig don't" I pleaded as he began to swallow "let me guess: not used to being dominated over?" He looked up at me from his spot on the floor, I shook my head. Craig got up, picking me up. He rested me on my desk, beginning to kiss my neck softly. I moaned, snaking my arm around his neck; pulling him closer. He lightly sucked on my neck, soon finding my sweet spot. Deep breaths escaped my lips as he pulled my shirt over my head "Craig~" I moaned, resting my head in the crook of his neck "You alright?" Worry swirled in Craig's eyes "yeah, I've just never been the one to feel the pleasure. Butters wasn't that good" my voice trailed off, Craig placed a kiss on my swollen lips "neither was tweek" he grinned "but, I can change everything about that" confidence taking over him, I leaned forward placing small kisses over his neck "do as you please, tucker"
I lifted Craig's shirt over his head, throwing it off to the side. Craig unbuttoned his jeans, swiftly sliding them off and discarding them. "Are you sure you're ready?" He stroked my cheek "y-yes" he pulled me to the edge of the desk "I'll be gentle, but if I hurt you tell me, ok?" He looked into my eyes, lust and worry clouded them, I nodded. Craig entered me, stopping to let me adjust. I moaned and clung to Craig's neck. I nodded, making him move again. He thrusted in and out, I moaned; dragging my nails on Craig's back. He groaned as I left my marks on his neck. "I'm close" Craig grunted as I moaned "m-me too". Craig thrusted again, cumming not to long after. He leaned down, taking my length in his mouth. I came not to long after.
He carried me to the bed, i kissed his neck as he set me in the floor. I gathered my clothes and began to dress; Craig doing the same. "I should probably head home, but I'll be back tomorrow." He whispered as our bodies pressed together "alright" I mumbled into his chest "but one more thing" I grabbed his hand, preventing him from leaving "yes, my love?" I blushed, averting my eyes "look at all of mine, let me give you at least one more hickey" I looked at the ground "alright" he grabbed my hand, leading us to the bed "have at it" he said pulling down his shirt, and pulling off his hat. I climbed onto his lap, placing my lips on his neck; searching for his sweet spot. He groaned. I pulled away, looking at his neck "alright, now people know to back off" I smiled, Craig chuckled and approached me "I love you" he rested his forehead against mine "you have no idea, how much I care for you, McCormick" he chuckled "I've always kinda liked you, and you made my life hell in school" "since what grade?" I asked, smiling at my lover "4th actually"   I smiled even more "I've liked you since 3rd" I laughed "I love you so much, Tucker" I kissed his lips "the funny thing is, there was never anything real between me and butters. I've never felt this before, and I love it" I wrapped my arms around his neck "I truly love you, Craig Tucker" he kissed my forehead "I love you too, but I really need to get home" we broke apart "do you want to cover those, Karen has some makeup?" I asked beginning to walk to the bathroom "no, it's fine. I'm proud of these" he flashed me his smile "alright" he walked toward me "bye, I love you" he pecked my lips before walking off "love you too" I walked into my bedroom, picking up my phone, I called Karen's phone. "Hey, Knight!" Her cheery voice chirped on the other side "do you want me to come pick you guys up before the storm?" I asked staring outside into the grayish sky "can Mira come?" She pleaded "wait. Never-mind Knight, forget I asked" her cheery voice dropped "can Mira not come?" I asked, picking up my room "no, she can but..." she stopped "Are you gonna continue?" I asked "I just think you do too much for me and all I ever do is ask" her voice dropped even more, I stopped "angel, you know how much I love you. I would do anything for you, so a couple of friends won't kill me. Besides, I like Mira and Linda" I continued cleaning "ok" she whispered "I'll be there in a minute" I said as I grabbed my keys "ok, bye." She said, her cheery voice slowly coming back. I hung up. Pulling out of the complex. I drove down the road, soon pulling into the driveway. I got out and rang the doorbell "kenny!" Mira's mother; mrs. Jonas sang "hi, mrs. Jonas" I greeted "let me know if Mira is being too rowdy" she giggled, her husband coming up behind her "hello, Mr. Jonas" I waved "dad, move!" Mira and the girls squeezed past him "hey, girls" I said "Kenny!" Mira hugged me "hi, Mira" I pat her head "you guys ready?" I asked, a series of "yups" and the girls piled into the car "have a nice night!" I waved before walking off "Kenny, you have my number. Call me if you need anything!" Mrs. Jonas called "alright!" I called as we drove off. "Where's Craig?" Linda asked "he went home" I pulled into the parking lot, the girls hoping up the stairs, I chuckled as I reached for my keys "I'm taking the elevator inside" I called, Karen raced down "I'm coming to, I don't wanna go up all of those" she shuddered "c'mon girls" I ushered them to the elevator.
When we reached the room, the girls pulled me to the couch again "what the hell are these?!" Mira asked pointing at my neck "bruises from volleyball" I said, trying to hide my face, Mira eyed me "alright" she said "we're gonna go to bed, Knight" Karen yawned, reaching over to hug me "goodnight, angel" she got up and walked to her room, the girls following not to far behind "those were hickeys" Mira said, crossing her arms as Karen shut her door "totally. Do you think he got it on with Craig?" Linda wiggled her eyebrows "wait, Kenny's Gay?" Mira asked "yeah, but I love him" Karen defended "Are you serious Karen, your brother is fantastic. I love him!" Mira and Linda chimed in "whatever, let's just sleep" Karen said, flopping on her bed. Soon dozing off.

I'm so sorry it took so long, and sorry that was the first smut I've written. I tried, and if there are any spelling errors I'll fix them eventually

The Blue Parka (crenny)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن