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Song #2 :)
"Babe, Hey babe, wake up," Craig said, softly nudging Kenny. Craig smiled as Kenny's grip on his waist tightened.
"No, just a little longer." Kenny groaned.
Craig smiled, giving in and resting us head on Kenny's chest once again.
"Wake up slutssss," Clyde said, busting the door open. "We went out and made some friends so now we're going to the club with them later." Clyde said, throwing open the fridge door and grabbing a water.
"How the hell did you manage to make friends?" Craig groaned, burying his head deeper into the crook of Kenny's neck.
"Token's parents are friends with the club owners and they have kids our age so we're friends now. Also, they want us to preform," Clyde said, plopping down on the couch next to the couple.
"Seriously? What song? And what time?" Kenny said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
"That's up to you and at 9:30." Token said, snapping his fingers

"We don't really have anymore songs, but I suppose we could write some by tonight if you think you could learn it," Craig said, stretching out his arms.

"Tweek, you're tambourine now, alright?" Clyde said, throwing his gaze towards tweek. Tweek shook his head. "What? I feel bad that he's the only one without a place in the band."

"yeah, that's fine. Ken and I are gonna go work on the song now." Craig said, standing up and stretching his limbs.
"Y'all only got like, five hours to write it and get it ready. Are you gonna be good?" Token said, sitting on the couch next to Clyde.
"Yeah, I think we can get it by then." Craig says, throwing on a sweater and walking towards the door to place on his shoes. "Coming Ken?"
Kenny got up, sliding on his jacket and shoes and grabbing Craig's backpack. "Yeah, let's go." He said, walking to meet Craig at the door.
Craig opened the door, Kenny shutting it behind him.
The pair walked down the hallway, a small conversation sparked between them as ideas flooded their heads.

"It needs to be upbeat, it's a club, babe," Kenny said, pushing the coffee shop door open.
"Yeah but like, emo music rocks," Craig said, walking to the counter to place his order. "Of course you would say that," Kenny said, shaking his head as he joined Craig at the counter.
The pair walked to the table, Craig still rambling about his emo music.
"But babe, just hear me out, Get Scared is a whole new level of awesomeness. Sure, alternative may be my first choice, but I'd bust it open for an emo band at any point." Craig finished, sipping his iced coffee. Craig was a bland kid, he mainly drank ice coffee loaded with French vanilla and sugar. Kenny was a fruity boy, he always has a fruit flavored anything at all times.
"What are we writing this song about?" Kenny asked, pushing the paper covering off of his straw, the piece of plastic breaking as it bent from the force. Kenny sighed as Craig laughed, the whole straw has cracked down the middle.
"That's cause you don't like emo music." Craig grinned, reviving a glare from his boyfriend.
Kenny glared at Craig as he got up to get another straw.
"Okay, focus," Craig said as Kenny sat back down. "We need it to be upbeat but still our style, so what perspective are we writing from ?"
The pair went back and forth for and hour and a half before finishing half the song.
"I say we just start repeating shit," Kenny said, tipping his cup back to get the ice. "Sounds good to me," craig said "I think we should just extend the chorus twice at the end," Craig suggested, looking up slightly from his notebook. Kenny nodded, "Yeah, I like that."
"Now we just have beat and then write the sheet music,"
"How much time do we have left?" Craig asked, finishing the rest of his coffee.
"About four, so we gotta push our way through this."

"You, couldn't be more different than me~" Kenny sang slightly as the pair walked back, successfully finishing everything with 10 minutes to spare.
Kenny looked off at the big buildings surrounding them, the feeling of comfort washing over him as he gave a soft smile.
"Hey, Ken,"
"You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen."
Kenny looked down, his face bright with embarrassment, feeling unable to say any words. Craig laughed and grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly, only letting go when they reached the hotel.
"How'd it go?" Token asked, looking up from his phone
"Smoothly," Craig reached in his bag and pulled out the sheets of music. Clyde looked over the sheet, tapping his foot "pretty new scale for me huh? You have have how it should sound?" He asked, crossing his arms.
"Yeah, we got it." Craig said as he pulled out his laptop as well.
He played the sound, the room went quiet as they listened.
"Damn, how you guys do this is five hours is absolutely amazing, doesn't sound rushed at all," Clyde praised, staring at the pair in front of him. They shrugged, then walking off to their room as they went to go change.
Okay super short I'm so sorry but I don't wanna write the club part yet cause I really wanna write it and I have a long car ride, and no Bette trine to write, right? Anyway, no excuses on this, I'm a piece of shit. Anyway, love y'all,

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