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Alright, the stuff Craig's dad says might be a little triggering,'but I hope it's not too bad. Anyway credit to theassholeherself for helping me write this, I wouldn't follow her though. She forgot her password. Anyway, enjoy!

Craig's POV
"Where were you!" I heard my mother call from the kitchen "does it matter" I shot back, taking off my jacket "who are those from?" Ruby asked, pointing a slim finger at my neck "these don't concern you" I growled "mom, Craig's got a girlfriend" ruby cheered "Craig, you do?" My father walked out from our kitchen, my mother trailing behind "no, for fuck's sake!" I growled "then explain those" ruby smirked, pointing at my neck again "honey, are those from tweek?" My mother asked, pulling down on the collar of my shirt "mom, me and tweek are over" I rolled my eyes "honey, can you watch dinner. I'm going to talk with Craig" my mothers soothing voice whispered as she started going up the stairs "come Craig" I trailed behind my mother. We entered my bedroom, I flopped on my bed as she gently shut the door "honey, I'm very proud of you for winning battle of the bands, but you can't go running around with people" her weight added to mine on the bed "I'm not running around with people, mom" I whispered, she caressed my cheek. I smiled at her soft touch "I found someone, mom" I smiled softly "who is it, honey?" I looked into her soft green eyes "Kenny McCormick" she smiled "that cute blonde boy?" I chuckled "yeah" she giggled "I saw the way you looked at him on the stage, it was adorable" she giggled "you guys aren't ashamed?" I looked down, her hand falling from my cheek "what do you mean?" She tilted her head, grabbing my hand "having a gay son, I mean. grandma said it was unacceptable to love the same gender. Throughout the years I believed her, tweek was forced. But, kenny... he doesn't make me wanna rush anything.  I just feel like, like; he's my everything." I finished, taking a deep breath  "oh honey, I love you no matter what." she cried, wrapping her slim arms around my figure "laura, get your ass down here. Make some dinner!" my fathers deep voice called from downstairs. I turned my gaze from my lap to my mothers face, her eyes met mine and she rolled them her lips turning up to create a soft, reassuring smile. She then stood to leave and meet my dad's request. "Asshole," I whispered to myself getting up and turning off the lights leaving my room pitch black aside from glow in the dark stars that were attached to my ceiling. I returned to my bed and settled myself underneath the sheets soon succumbing to the call of sleep.

    Several Hours Later

    "Craig honey, come and get some food before it goes cold!" My navy blue eyes opened to the sound of my mother's voice, beckoning my presence in the table. I groaned and made my way downstairs, sitting at the table across from my father and between my mother and sister. "How was everyone's Saturday, Ruby?" My mom looked up from her plate turning her attention to my sister's place at the table. "It was okay I guess, I took a nap and then ate some cereal, then I went on a walk and met up with my boyfriend." "That's pretty cool!" Mom forced a smile, "I guess so. I'm supposed to go see Karen tomorrow so that'll be something to look forward to." Ruby finishes, setting her fork down for a moment and staring at her half-empty plate. My dad grunts and continues eating his meal. "Craig, what about you?" "It was better than usual, I suppose. I went with Kenny and dropped Karen off at her friend's home, and then we....just watched some movies. Then I came here and took a short nap before dinner." I finished my summary and looked up waiting for a response, only to find a displeased look from my dad and a worried whimper from mom as she glanced at me shaking her head slowly "Craig, did you happen to do anything, else?" My fathers voice was stern, his gaze directed towards my neck "it's nothing of your concern." I looked at the floor "you didn't have those yesterday..." he clenched his fists "I won't have a gay son, you hear me. Unacceptable!" He slammed his fists down. I flinched as his hands made contact with the table "no, dad. Craig has a girlfriend!" Ruby defended "and what would her name be?" He gritted his teeth "ummm, Ella" ruby hesitated "good" he picked up his fork and continued eating "listen, Craig. I will not tolerate and kid who loves the same gender, got it" I looked in my eyes "sweetie, nothing is wrong with loving the same gender" my moms calming voice finally spoke "it's absolutely horrid, never would I accept ANY 'queer' child. It's disgusting!" My father shouted, shoving a piece of food in his mouth "wasn't your friend gay?" Ruby asked, anger rising a little in her voice "yeah, he was nasty. Left his nasty ass behind" he laughed "honey, that's terrible. You had known him since you were four. He tried to kill himself because of everything you said about him after" Ruby's eyes widened at the sound of my moms words "Good. All gays should be gone anyways" he sipped his beer " I-I gotta go" I whispered quickly getting up from the table "where you going, this is a important family dinner" my dad said, still chuckling "I'm going to E-Ella's" I whimpered before running upstairs to gather my stuff. I ran downstairs, going as fast as possible "Craig, wait!" I heard my mother call while running from the kitchen, I turned at the door "please don't listen to your father, he's wrong. And as long as I'm here, you'll be ok" she hugged me "now go to Kenny's" she whispered as she pushed me out the door. I smiled as I made my way down the driveway to my car. I stopped before getting in. My hand traveled down to my back pocket; reaching for my cigarettes. I pulled one out along with my lighter.
"Craig promise me you won't smoke anymore, I want to be with you as long as possible"
Kenny's words flashed in my mind. I dropped the cigarette, along with the pack. I chuckled while climbing into my car.
I pulled my hand out of my pocket, knocking on his door. "Craig?" Kenny's blonde hair ruffling in the wind outside "can I come in?" I whispered, my fathers words still on my mind "yeah sure, but Karen's friends are here" he opened the door wider for me to come
In. We walked silently into his room "Craig what's wrong. I can tell something is wrong with you" Kenny whispered, stroking my cheek. I looked into his eyes, I looked down as I felt my eyes getting blurry "I'm fine, ken. I just wanted to see you" I lied, tears slipping down my cheeks "tell me." Kenny said while bringing my head to his shoulder "my dad said that gays deserve to die. Kenny, my own DAD told me to kill myself" I cried, gripping his white shirt "shh, it's ok. Your dad is in the wrong here, ok my love. Never believe a word that man says, you deserve to live more than anyone. Ok?" Kenny stroked my hair, whispering in my ear. "Thank you, Kenny. But c-can I stay?" I looked down at my lap "you don't even have to ask to stay, you know that right?" He kissed the top of my head, lifting my chin "thank you" I mumbled. His small body getting off of the bed "I have to shower, if you need something you know where the bathroom is" Kenny walked off to the bathroom, after grabbing clothes from the dresser "I'm probably gonna fall asleep before you come back" I laid down on his bed "that's alright" he smiled "well, in that case give me a kiss" I whined sitting up "alright" he chuckled then pecked my lips "goodnight, my love" I whispered against his lips "goodnight, my star boy" he said while walking out of his room, I leaned back, closing my eyes. And soon enough I fell asleep, my fathers words still echoing in my mind.

"Ummm, #goals much" Mira whispered as we peaked into my brothers room "goodnight, my love" Craig whispered "oh my god, so cute!" Lisa whispered "um yeah" I said, smiling softly at my brother and his lover. Kenny's footsteps inched towards the door as we bolted for my room. We rushed in, shutting the door lightly. "Like seriously, your bother and his boyfriend are literally goals" Mira's eyes sparked at how perfect they were "yeah, yeah. Now I'm tired let's go to sleep before Kenny comes in" Mira and Lisa nodded, taking their place on my couch. I closed me eyes and smiled softly, it's good to see Kenny finally happy after four years.

Yeah, sorry about the wait but I just had no desire to write for a long time. Well, except that letter to my love *cri* anyway sorry if it sucks.

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