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"How's it going at home, Angel?" Kenny said, his voice raspy from just waking up. Craig groaned, rolling over, back facing Kenny. "It's going good! I actually went over to Mira's." Karen said, her voice slightly high pitched. Kenny ran a hand through his messy hair.
"That's good! But why'd you go to Mira's?" Kenny asked, shifting slightly, trying his best not to disturb the boy next to him.
"I'm positive we have a ghost, Knight. Like, I could've gotten possessed!" Karen said, a little chuckle escaping Kenny's lips. "But um, Kenny?" Karen said, her voice going softer than before. "Yeah?" "It's mom," Karen said. Kenny stopped, freezing for a second. "What does she want?" Kenny said, furrowing his eyebrows together as he sat up straighter. "She wants us to go home. But I'll go and just tell her you're gone." She said. Kenny sighed as Craig rolled back around, resting his head on Kenny's leg. "Tell her to wait, I don't want you going there by yourself, that place is too much of a shithole," Kenny said, his fingers playing with Craig's hair. "Alright, I'll wait. But Ken," she stopped, waiting for Kenny to respond. "Yes?" "Put me on speaker," she said. Kenny hesitated for a second before pressing the speaker button on his phone. "Hey Craig, I know you're there, wake up," Karen said. Craig groaned, turning so he could see Kenny. "Yeah, what's up princess?" Craig said,  Kenny smiled slightly at the nickname he'd given his sister. "Watch out for my brother. And make sure to use protection." Karen laughed as Kenny gasped. "Angel! No!" Kenny said, covering his mouth as Craig laughed. "I got ya princess, don't worry." Karen laughed as Craig sat up. Craig nudged Kenny, a grin plastered on his lips. "You guys are nasty." Kenny chuckled. "Anyway, what are you guys planning on doing today?" Karen asked, "well, yesterday the boys said they wanted to go to the carnival pretty close by, so we have that. What about you, angel?" Kenny said, watching Craig as he got up and stretched, a tinge of pink brushing Kenny's cheeks as Craig's shirt came up. Kenny looked down, as Craig smirked at him and walked to the bathroom.
"Anyway, I'm gonna head back home real quick with Mira so we can just have girl time. are you okay with that?" Karen said.
"Of course! just don't trash the house." Kenny said, his blue eyes following Craig as he exited the bathroom. "Bye Ken, have fun! I love you!" "Bye angel, I love you too." Kenny said, a soft smile taking over. "Bye princess!" Craig said, jumping back onto the bed and falling into Kenny's lap. "Bye broski." Karen giggled as the line went out.
Kenny sighed, running his hands through Craig's soft black hair. "What are we going to do today? I mean, we could go to the fair, or we could write some new songs, but I don't think the other guys would want to." Craig said, letting out a soft sigh as Kenny thought for a minute. "Yeah, fair is the best option. And besides didn't you write a bunch of songs because you got bored In class?"
Kenny asked, still messing with Craig's hair.
"We should probably go tell the other boys. I doubt Clyde is even up yet." Craig sighed.
Kenny reaches for his phone, the Snapchat notification slightly alarming him. Clyde's name presented in a banner across his phone screen. "Speak of the devil. Clyde wants us downstairs in 10 minutes." Kenny said, throwing the covers off of him. Craig groaned, rolling of the bed.
The two boys quickly got dressed. Throwing on their usual outfits.
"Alright, I'm ready. You?" Craig looked over at Kenny. Kenny gave a small nod as the two set for the door.
"Took you guys long enough," Clyde said, crossing his arms. "Ah shut it Donovan." Craig rolled his eyes, throwing his arm around Kenny's shoulder.
"Y'all want to go to the carnival? I heard it's pretty close." Token said. "I'm down, I say we go." Clyde shrugged, "what do you think tweek?" He asked, the boy twitched and nodded. "Alright, carnival it is!" Clyde cheered.
Craig grinned slightly as Kenny let out a giggle.
Tweek looked back at the two lovers, his stomache dropping at the sight of Craig being so happy with someone other than him. He clenched his fists.
Tweek didn't like Kenny, but he knew there was nothing he could do about it. Craig was happy and he hated it.

Hey, I'm so sorry about the break, I lost someone recently and it's really taken it's toll; but I'm healing. I'm going to start making chapters shorter in hopes to get them out faster. Thank you for being patient. I love you all. -Saturn

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