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Yeah, sorry I took so long. I kept listening to The Neighborhood and it was bothering me that I hadn't updated. It might be short so stay with me.
Kenny's POV
"Hey, lovebirds!" Clyde called as we hopped out of the car "don't call us that " Craig sighed "well my sister told me everything when she got home yesterday" he crossed his arms, a smirk dancing on his lips "what did Linda tell you exactly?" I raised an eyebrow "oh, just how you two did the thing" he giggled, covering his mouth from his failed attempt to suppress his laugh "what is the 'thing'" Craig questioned, tugging on the strings of his hat. Clyde giggled as token made his way over to us, joining our small crowd in the Parking lot "sex of course!" Clyde cheered "wait.what?" Token glanced at us "you guys had sex?" Token shifted in his spot, obviously wanting us to say no. "No, we did not." Craig objected "Kenny show me your neck, Craig you too" Craig's eyes met mine as we shot each other warning glances "you guys know we won't tell anyone right?" Clyde winked "nope" Craig grumbled as he started his way into the school "not so fast, tucker" Clyde grabbed Craig's blue sweater, pulling it down and exposing his neck "you lied!" Clyde cried as he started wide-eyed at the marks I left on Craig "shit" I whispered slowly making my way away, praying they wouldn't notice "kenny, where do you think you're going?" Clyde smirked, slowly approaching me. I turned and made a run for it as soon as he reached two feet in front of me "Kenny McCormick!" Clyde's voice faded as I ran "Stan, hide me!" I clutched onto the brunets jacket "what?" He growled "please" I pleaded "you better fucking explain after" he hissed as Kyle grabbed my orange coat and shoved me into the bathroom behind them "have you guys seen Kenny?" I heard Clyde pant outside "no, we haven't talked to that ass in like 8 months" cartman spoke "alright sorry, thanks" Clyde's footsteps faded down the hall as I let out a big breath "get out here, asshole" Stan hissed, pushing the door open "can we go to the cafeteria?" I asked, adjusting my hood "whatever" Kyle pushed off the wall, making his way to the empty cafeteria "now explain." Cartman said, a glare covering his eyes "well, umm" I started, looking at my hands "wait. What are those?" Kyle pulled down my hood and unzipping a little of my jacket. I averted my gaze, my electric blue eyes falling to the floor "are these hickeys?" Kyle asked, I nodded "that's why I left" I started "because you have hickeys? Dude we all have them." Stan added "nope, not me. You and Kyle are all over each other so it's only you guys, dude" cartman rolled his eyes. I looked at the red head then at the blushing brunet "what" Stan snapped, I winked and wiggled my eyebrows "s-shut up!" Kyle covered his face "anyway, tell us Kenny; where were you?" I thought for a second, everything I had done with Craig "you promise you won't tell anyone?" I asked sweeping some hair from my eyes "yeah man, we might be angry but we still wouldn't do that to you." I took  a deep breath "well, me and-" "wait did you get a girlfriend?" cartman cut me off "mm, something like that." i tilted my head "bro, you got a boyfriend didn't you" kyle gasped, his green eyes darting over to see stans reaction "well, yeah. it isn't official yet." i played chameleon as my face must've matched Kyle's red drink. (Does that make sense?) "I'll take that as a yes" Stan smirked lifting one of his eyebrows "who is it exactly?" Kyle asked, messing with the contents in his bottle "well-" "Kenny McCormick!" A deep voice cut me off from the entrance of the cafeteria, I turned "well hello there dear" I winked, resting my head on my hands "can I help you~" he ran over panting a bit "oh hey" Craig looked up, meeting eyes with Stan "don't 'oh hey' me. Sit down" Stan demanded, pointing to the seat next to me "alright?"  Craig cautiously sat "did you two hook up?" Craig glared at Stan "why, who's asking?" Craig tugged his jacket up, covering his neck more "yeah, we are" I sighed looking at my hands "that's great man!" Kyle slapped my back "I'm happy you finally went after him instead of all of those little imagines you wrote down in your little journal" Kyle laughed, I smacked Kyle's arm "shut up!" My face returning to the irregular shade of red "what was that" Craig smirked, his confident voice irking me "nothing" I growled "oh I forgot that Kenny pretty much turns into a little bitch when you bring it up" Stan added, resting his head on his hand "sorry, babe" Craig kissed my cheek "it's fine" I sighed "how do we know you aren't lying?" Cartman asked "Craig's to cool to be gay" he finished crossing his big arms "well then, cartman" Craig turned to me, smashing his lips against mine "alright! That's enough" Cartman shouted, disgust lacing around his words "you guys are cute" Kyle awed as I hid my red face in Craig's dark blue jacket "how are you and Wendy?" Craig questioned, meeting eyes with the dark haired male "we ended it permanently" he sighed "not gonna lie I'm quite relived. Wendy was a bit too much" stan rubbed his temples "he hooked up with Kyle, it's nasty" cartman gagged "shut up" Kyle growled, a glare taking over his bright green eyes "wow man, chill." Cartman backed up "well, I'm leaving. I want food" Cartman waddled away, the door slamming as he walked off "asshole" Stan growled "we should head to class" I stood up, taking Craig's hand as I began walking "bye! Talk to ya later!" I dragged Craig behind me, quickly leaving to cafeteria "bathroom. Now." I panted "why?" Craig tilted his head, his dark hair moving with him "now." I dragged him into the males bathroom "what are we doing here?" Craig questioned, staring into my eyes "stop talking" I dragged him to a stall, locking the door "Kenny" Craig groaned, I ran my lips down Craig's neck "n-no" Craig moaned, Craig pushed me slightly, flipping us "Craig" I moaned out as he found my sweet spot. "Shit" his deep voice cut through the tension between us "it's time to go" we slowly exited the restroom "run" I whispered as we split up, running towards our first period.

heeey yeah sorry about the wait, I just really didn't want to write so here we are, like 10 years late. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, it took forever. I've been busy (listening to Africa by Toto on repeat for like 17473819 hours) I've also kinda lost interest in South Park but it's coming back, I just really like something else right now, I mean like REALLY. Anyway, BYE.

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