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I'm shit, I know. I'm sorry😭😭
I had some interesting shit happen to me involving my phone (some creepy ass shit) but it's somewhat resolved now, so I can update! I'll try and get a bunch of chapters up(if I'm not busy, I have volleyball sissy)

"Oh hell no!" Craig shouted "oh hell yeah!" Clyde shouted back, grinning at what he's doing to his best friends. "not another one," Kenny sighed, rubbing his temples. The two lovers sighed at the big white sign in front of them, displaying the big red words "singing contest.. winner collects $1,000!"
Tweek sighed, "Clyde, what are we even supposed to do?" Tweek questioned "well, well, tweek," Clyde clicked his tongue "we have two rising stars on our hands." Clyde said, beginning to pat the dashboard "Kenny McCormick and Craig Tucker!" Clyde cheered, Kenny laughed at the compliment. "Well then what am I supposed to do?" Tweek complained, forgetting his friends had already formed a pretty good band. The boys thought for a minute, "forget it, I'll be in the crowd." Tweek sighed "umm you sure?" Kenny asked, Running a hand through his blonde locks.
"Yeah, I really have no use," Tweek said, looking Kenny directly in the eyes "I mean Craig is already your drummer, Clyde the guitarist, Token on the keyboard, and you're the singer. What else does a band need?" Tweek stated, looking directly in front of him. "So.. are we gonna do it or not?" Clyde asked, turning around in his seat.
"We don't have a song." Kenny said, unzipping his jacket a bit more, "I have some.. I've been writing a bunch of songs lately," Craig spoke, grabbing a little notebook from his bag "here." He handed the black book to his lover, "wow, Craig.. these are amazing." Kenny looked at Craig, amazed. Craig scratched the back of his neck, a little red hue spreading on his cheeks, "Thanks." Craig whispered, looking at Kenny as he flipped through the book, "I like this one," Kenny pointed at the word filled page "When is the competition?" Kenny asked, looking up from the small book "tomorrow." Clyde said, not looking up from his phone "I already set a beat for it. Here," Craig handed Kenny his phone, the headphones trailing not to far behind, "you know the password." Craig said, not looking up from the book. Kenny nodded, opening the phone. "Recordings?" Kenny asked, placing a hand on Craig's knee "yep." Craig replied. Kenny pressed play, the beat slowly entering his ears. Kenny didn't make a peep the entire time. The boys had taken a picture of the sign and drove off to get gas, all while Kenny had been listening to Craig's recording.
"Wow Craig.." Kenny said at a loss for words, "Can I play it out loud?" The blonde asked his best friend. "Yeah," Craig said (yo I previously had a line in here and I made up a entire angsty end with it.)
"Fine." Kenny said, giving into Craig smile. "Clyde, can I have the aux cord?" Kenny asked as Clyde nodded, handing the cord to the blonde.
Kenny plugged in the phone, the soft melody of the song played in the car as everybody began to bob their heads to it.
Time skip
"Alright, bros!" Clyde said, turning around in the black leather seat, "we could only get two hotel rooms due to an problem with had with the third room, two queens each." Clyde said, stopping a moment to take a breath, "Token and I will be in one room, and since Kenny and Craig can share; Tweek will be with you two. Got it?" Clyde finished, taking a deep breath.
The males nodded, "Also get ready for the competition tomorrow, I would really like to win." Token said, tapping on the steering wheel as he drove. "We don't have sheet music," Clyde said, sending a questioning glance at token "maybe we should just sing cry baby." Clyde suggested, looking back in the rearview for the other boys reactions.
"I got that," Craig said, opening his bag once again, "how do you have all of this? I've never seen you do it before." Token asked, "I write them in class when I get bored."
"You have the sheet music though,'or do we have to print it out?" Clyde asked, tapping vigorously on his phone screen. "We'll have to print it for the show" Craig said, flipping through his notebook. "We're here, losers!" Token said, parking in front of the large hotel. "Damn Token, this is a nice hotel" tweek said, startling intently at the entrance. "Yeah, now lets go. I'm whooped." Token said, pulling his bag out from the trunk, all of us doing the same. "Alright, ladies. Let's go" Clyde said, tossing our card over to us. "You're right across from us, okay?" Token said, starting towards the elevator.
"Tweek, let us know if they get too rowdy." Clyde snickered, unlocking his door, "yeah yeah, whatever" Craig rolled his eyes, chucking slightly. "Wanna go to the pool?" Kenny asked the brunet, raising his eyebrow. "Race ya." Craig said, a smile stretched across his face, "you're on!" Kenny rushes to put on his shorts, Craig following suit.
"Beat ya! Sucker!" Kenny cheered, pumping his fist in the air. "How the hell did you manage to out run me? I'm a baseball player! I run all the time!" Craig groaned, tousling his hair. "Did you forget I run three events in track?" Kenny giggled, walking over to the opening of the pool and slowly getting in. "Which events? I run too and I've never seen you run anything" Craig said, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I run the 400, and 100 hurdles." He said with a prideful smirk growing in his lips. "Really? S-sorry I didn't know, though I'd love to see you run next time." Craig scratched his cheek, a small pink tint spotting his cheeks. "I know what you run. I kinda hurt, Tucker." Kenny placed his hand on his chest in a offended manner, grinning slightly at his own playfulness. "Sorry.." Craig looked down, his wet black hair falling in front of him. "I'm not mad! Don't worry," Kenny said, waving his hands at a rapid pace. Craig, looked up a colossal smirk spreading on his face. "I'm sorry, here let me make it up to you," Craig said, a keen ring escaping along with his words, "huh?" Kenny raised his eyebrow as he saw Craig's swift motions, soon feeling arms wrap around his waist and pulling him under the water. "Shi-!" Soon cut off by the water enveloping him in a hug and filling his nose. "What the fuck! You crusty shit licker!" Kenny busted from the water, fuming as his boyfriend laughed. "Hehe, I love you!" Craig said, wrapping his arms around himself. "You're dead, Mr. Tucker" Kenny grinned, moving towards Craig, "bring it, Mr. McCormick," Craig leaned toward Kenny, wrapping his arms around his neck and laughing. Kenny giggled at the sight of his boyfriend, a slight flutter bloomed in his chest.
   "I'm so lucky" Craig whispered against Kenny's cheek as Kenny held him in the pool. "You have no idea how lucky I am, Tucker," Kenny mumbled, giving him a slight kiss on the cheek.
"Mm excuse me, I have kids here," Craig and Kenny looked at the pool door, a woman and her two kids circled around her legs. "My bad miss, we'll leave," Kenny said, dragging Craig behind him as the stepped out of the shallow water.
"Let's watch a movie when we get back," Craig yawned, stretching out his arms as they walked through the hallway. Kenny giggled as they reached the doors. "Tweek is probably asleep so be quiet though." Craig nodded as Kenny opened the door as quietly as possible.
The boys changed as quickly as they could, wasting no time to hop on the couch and turn on the tv. "What movie?" Craig asked, his arm draped around the blonde. "How about The Curse of La Llorona?" (Killer movie btw) Kenny suggested, moving closer to Craig.
"W-what's are you g-guys watching?" Tweek stumbled in, resting his hand on the door frame. "The Curse of La Llorona," Craig said, pressing on the movie to get it started. "Gah!" Tweek jumped back, "c-can I watch?" Tweek's voice shook as he sat on the chair close to the couch. "Alright just don't scream." Craig said as he pulled Kenny closer to him.
Time skip cause I low key don't wanna write
By the end of the movie, Kenny had fallen asleep on Craig, and Tweek shivering in his seat.
"I'm taking him to bed," Craig said, picking up Kenny as he began to approach the room. "Night." Craig said, shutting the door as he set the blonde on their bed. Craig quickly crawled in next to him, pulling him closer and shutting his eyes. Not soon after, falling asleep to his lovers sweet scent.

Hehe hey look! I'm not dead! Yay! But anyway, I have some incidents involving my phone and it's was pretty creepy. Anyway, sorry this took so long. Love y'all!❤️

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