Chapter 5

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Hey guys thank you for following this story and for reading it. It means so much for a newly turned teen like me. Thank you all

Falling back, all that Elsa could register was pain, cutting through her like a knife. Her right cheek was burning like hell. Looking up, she saw Kristoff, the school bully high fiving his friends. Elsa tried to stand up but was feeling dizzy and muttered “Shit.”

Kristoff’s eyes narrowed. Storming over to Elsa, he grabbed hold of her collar and said “What did you say, freak?” Balling up his hand, he prepared to punch Elsa again, who closed her eyes awaiting the punch but it never came.

Opening her eyes, she saw Anna standing in front of her protectively. And if looks could kill, Kristoff would be dead at least five times. Balling her hand, she punched Kristoff straight in the jaw, leaving a bruise. Kristoff staggered backwards, clutching his jaw, a look of disbelief on his face.

Anna gently pulled Elsa to her feet who was still looking slightly dazed due to the large amount of blood loss, and led her to an empty janitor’s closet. Anna took out her hanky and tried to staunch the flow but seconds later it was soaked. Anna whispered something to Elsa who was too dazed to understand and left the closet and hurried towards her locker.

Minutes later Elsa felt long and gentle hands wiping away the blood. “Elsa, I am going to disinfect the wound and it’s gonna hurt like hell, Okay?” asked Anna. Elsa nodded and clutched her skirt. After much agony, Elsa felt a bandage cover her wound and she started feeling better. She gripped Anna’s hand and muttered a quick thank you.

Elsa found strong yet gentle arms leading her to the nurse’s office where she was immediately asked to lie down. Anna waited till she was safe and left the office. She started to go to her class when a boy informed her to step into the principal’s office. Grimacing, she made her way there and knocked on the door which opened almost immediately.

She saw Kristoff sitting there with a huge bruise on his jaw and smirked. The principal, Mrs Scott gasped at the stains of blood on Anna’s tee shirt. She made Anna sit next to Kristoff and looked at them expectedly.

“Miss White, can you please explain your behaviour?” She asked

Anna shrugged “He hit Elsa so I hit him back. Ask anyone who was there.”

Mrs Scott gasped, “You said that you were minding your business and this lady hit you. You lied, young man and this shall result in two weeks detention. You may leave” Kristoff scowled and slouched out

Mrs Scott looked rather gravely at Anna and sighed, “There may be more acts of this regarding homosexuality and I hope I can trust you to make sure that Elsa is far away from it. She tends to take these to the heart.”

Anna nodded. “Very well, you may leave.” Anna stood up and went to the door “And Miss White. You should go home with Elsa right now.” Mrs Scott added.

Anna went outside. Kristoff was waiting there. He caught hold of her arm “You made yourself a new enemy.” he threatened and walked away.

Anna walked toward the nurse’s office when someone called her name. Looking around she saw Rapunzel hurrying after her.

“OMG! What happened to you?” she exclaimed, staring at the blood stains in Anna’s tee shirt. “Nothing I have to take Elsa home, she’s injured. I’ll talk to you later.” Anna answered

“Okay, take my cardigan. It will hide the blood” Punzie said handing her a yellow cardigan. Mumbling a thanks, Anna walked towards Nurse’s office, where she saw Elsa, still pale but looking a lot better.

Anna helped her up and wrapping the cardigan around Elsa, gently led her to the outside where they slowly made their way home, people staring at Anna’s now red tee shirt.

After what seemed like eternity, they made their way home where Anna helped Elsa into her bed. Anna stood up to leave but found her fingers tangled with Elsa’s who was silently begging for her to stay.

Anna sat at the corner of Elsa’s bed, gently stroking the blonde’s hair till she fell asleep, after which Anna made her way to the laundry room and attempted to wash off the blood stains which was proving to be very difficult.

After getting thoroughly drenched but managing to remove the blood, Anna changed into a shirt and went upstairs to watch a movie when she saw Elsa coming down.

Elsa sat next to Anna and took her hand. Anna inwardly gasped and rejoiced. She leaned into Elsa and got ready to watch the movie. She had no idea what she had chosen. The Hunger Games came up. “Thank you” Elsa murmured into Anna’s ear. Anna gave her a smile. “Please don’t tell my mother. I don’t want her to be worried.” Elsa pleaded.

Anna sat up straight, anger visible in her face. “What? You don’t want me to tell your mother. Why? How long has this been going on Elsa?” Elsa grimaced “Since last year.”

Realisation bloomed on Anna’s face “That’s why you wanted me to stay away from you” Elsa nodded. Anna sighed “Okay. I won’t tell your mom, not this time.” “Thank you” Elsa smiled.

The front door bell rang. Outside was Rapunzel and Merida and a brunette whom Anna had never seen before. Elsa welcomed them all inside and introduced Anna to the brunette who was Belle.

“So, we heard that Kris beat you up and Anna stepped in and blah blah blah.” remarked Punzie making herself comfortable on the couch. Anna told them the whole story and the end met with silence. “It’s a good thing you were there.” remarked Belle, breaking the silence. Anna blushed while the others nodded, Punzie squeezing her hand.

Punzie changed the subject, “So tell us about yourself, Anna”

Anna blushed. “What about me?” Rapunzel rolled her eyes, “Your love life of course. Don’t tell me the most popular girl in her school was single.”

Anna blushed under everyone’s stares. “I-I d-don’t k-k-know what you are talking about.” Punzie rolled her eyes again and this broke Anna down. “It was Jack Frost.” “I knew it! ”Punzie punched the air but calmed down at Elsa’s raised eyebrows.

“It wasn’t serious.” Anna said. Punzie’s face fell, “why not? He’s the most popular, nicest, handsomest, greatest and most awesome person ever.”

“It’s not who he was than what he did. That put me off.” Answered Anna. “So what did he do?” asked Belle. Anna blushed a crimson red. Merida and Punzie raised their eyebrows. Anna sighed, “He proposed to me.”

There was a silence as everyone were ingesting this particular piece of info. Then all hell broke loose. Rapunzel and Merida were dancing while Belle was cheering. Only Elsa sat still, feeling disappointed. She should have known that Anna had boys after her. As if, she would look at a wimp like Elsa.

“Guys, I rejected him.” Anna shouted over the din. Rapunzel paused,” Why?” Anna shrugged, “I wasn’t interested in him. Dad liked him so I dated him but he really crossed the limit.” ‘I’m interested in Elsa.’ the redhead thought.

Rapunzel groaned, “You rejected the most popular boy. Anna White, I hate you.”Elsa and Anna exchanged a look.

Yeah Kristoff is a jerk in this. Sorry if anyone liked him. In this, Hans is the nice guy. This chapter has vulnerability from the two cousins and their mixed feelings.

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