Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I recently replaced my chapter 10 so plz read that chap if if you haven’t read it before.


“Hello Anna.” Said Meg flashing Anna a brilliant smile. Anna said nothing, still in shock. Rapunzel nudged her.

“What? Hello Megan.” Answered Anna stiffly knowing that Meg hated the name Megan. Meg smirked. The tension between the two was apparent to all seated there.

“So… Isn’t it amazing? Both my old besties together.” Remarked Rapunzel in an attempt to break the tension.

“Yeah, Awesome.” Said Meg

“What are you doing here?” Asked Anna abruptly.

“I invited her, Anna. Be nice.” Scolded Rapunzel

“No it’s fine. We obviously have some warming to do.” Said Meg.

“So shall we order?” Asked Merida.

“Yeah, Sure.” Said Anna

After they ordered five pizzas between them, the conversation changed to a friendly banter whether the pepperoni pizzas were better or the Hawaiian pizzas. Anna remained silent while Meg joined in their meaningless banter with much gusto.

“So are you single?” suddenly asked Anna. Everyone exchanged looks.

“Yes. What about you? I heard you two were together.” Said Megan motioning to Elsa and Anna.

“Yep. They are together.” Answered Rapunzel proudly.

“No we are not. We were never dating.” Said Anna harshly, staring straight at Meg.

Everyone was shocked. Elsa swallowed the lump that suddenly appeared in her throat. She was close to tears. Everyone was looking between Elsa and Anna. ‘Conceal, don’t feel.’ Repeated Elsa to herself mentally. Everyone wanted to say something but knew that now was not the time for interruption.

“Okay.” Smirked Meg. She looked at her watch “God, It’s late. I should go.”

“Well, we are all leaving.” Said Rapunzel

They all stood up and started walking to the underground parking. Meg started a conversation with Belle. “Are you mad?” Hissed Rapunzel.

“Nope.” Answered Anna

“What happened between you two?”


“Anna White, you are the stubbornest person I’ve ever met.”

They had reached the deserted parking.

“Where are you going now?” Rapunzel asked Meg.

“Oh! That depends on how my mission goes.” Replied Meg looking straight at Anna. Anna paled. “What mission?” asked Belle.

“Oh, Anna knows.” Remarked Meg. She pulled a shiny gun from her bag and pointed it at Anna. Everyone gasped.

“Meg, don’t do it. Please.” Begged Anna, her voice cracking.

“You left me for that thing.” Screamed Meg, pointing at Elsa. “It sucked. I loved you and you left me, you heartless bitch!”

“I know, I’m sorry.” Cried Anna.

Meg laughed a crazy laugh. “You were clever, ignoring Elsa so that I wouldn’t hurt her but I knew she was your girlfriend.”

“Your problem is with me just don’t hurt them, please.” Begged Anna.

“No! Shoot me.” Cried Elsa and Rapunzel together.

“Meg,please.” Whispered Anna.

Meg pulled the trigger. Anna closed her eyes but the pain never came. Instead Elsa cried out, falling to the ground. She had shielded Anna with her own body.

Anna looked at the writhing Elsa with dark red blood pooling around her.Before she could do anything,another shot was fired. She sank to the groung clutching her sreaming stomache.

And everything went black.

Any problems J?

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