Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I’m sorry for only updating half a chapter but my cousin uploaded the incomplete chapter when I was not at home. So this is the complete chapter. Thank You.

Elsa was really worried. Anna had been missing for three hours. She couldn’t even file a missing person report. Her friends had dropped her at home promising that they would stay in touch.

She was sitting on Anna’s bed while a lone tear stained her pale right cheek. A loud knocking on the front door startled her and she flew downstairs.

Anna was standing there, dishevelled but safe and sound. Not caring about anyone or anything, she kissed her on the mouth. Anna replied with equal gusto and lifted Elsa off her feet.

A loud clearing of throat caused them both to jump apart to look at a clearly uncomfortable Hans.

“Well, I see you both later.” Hans hurried away.

“God, I missed you.” Murmured Elsa removing a lock of red hair from Anna’s face.

“I missed you too.” answered Anna softly.


“You okay?” asked Elsa raising her eyebrow at the unnaturally quite Anna.

“What? No, I’m fine.” Stated Anna, still staring at the wall.

“No, you’re not”

“Yes, I am”

“Seriously Anna?”

“Yes and I’m tired and going to bed.”

Anna stalked off, leaving a confused and disappointed Elsa behind.


Anna was checking her phone for more of the horrible text messages. She had been receiving these messages for almost two days

Unknown: You are going to pay for what you did to US!

Unknown:  You can’t leave me!

But the message she had received today was by far the worst.

Unknown: I’m going to kill you and everyone you love when I get there. MJ

By now Anna was sure that it was Megan Jackson. Megan, a brunette with whom she had a secret affair before her parents died. She knew that Meg was smart and crazy enough to come after her and Elsa. ‘Maybe, it’s just a hoax’ she dismissed it from her head.

Hearing Elsa come up, she quickly shoved her phone under her pillow.

“You okay?” Asked Elsa concerned

“Yep.” Said Anna brushing her hair

“Okay. We are going to the mall to celebrate Rapunzel’s birthday if you want to come?” Asked Elsa uncertainly.

“Yeah sure.” Answered Anna, not looking at Elsa.

An awkward silence settled between them.

“Okay see you in twenty minutes.” Muttered Elsa and left the room.

“What do I wear?” Muttered Anna to herself and proceeded towards her closet.

Twenty minutes later, she went downstairs wearing a red shirt with white jeans and her knee high leather boots. Elsa was waiting for her wearing a full sleeve white tee-shirt with blue jeans and white loafers. She had her hair done in a French braid with minimal makeup.

The urge to kiss Elsa was so strong in Anna that she proceeded straight outside, pretending to ignore the hurt that crossed Elsa’s face. Without a word, Elsa followed her outside and into Elsa’s blue Mustang.

Anna nearly broke down seeing the hurt on Elsa’s face but kept chanting the mantra inside her head; ‘Ignore Elsa so that Meg does not hurt her.’

Reaching the mall, Anna jumped out of the car before it even stopped and proceeded towards to the food court.

Elsa caught up with her and they silently went towards their friends table. Seeing Anna and Elsa, Rapunzel jumped out of her seat and hugged them both. “Thanks for coming.”

Elsa sat next to Belle while Anna sat next to Rapunzel facing a brunette who was talking to Merida so Anna couldn’t see her face clearly. When the brunette turned, Anna nearly had a heart attack

It was Megan Jackson.

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