Chapter 6

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The story is being forwarded by two weeks. And thank you all guys for following and reading.

Anna was debating between her yellow shorts or white jeans for today’s visit to the coffee shop with her friends. Making up her mind, she changed into her white jeans and saw Elsa already waiting downstairs for her.

The house was rather empty as her aunt had gone on a business tour for one entire week just yesterday. Anna skipped downstairs, feeling rather happy this weekend. Elsa rolled her eyes at Anna who stuck out her tongue and skipped outside. Anna waited till Elsa had locked the door and walked the way to Oakens’s coffee shop. The walk was rather silent as Elsa had become very quiet after the bullying incident.

Walking inside, Anna waved to her friends who were already sitting down. Kristoff was also there, sitting on another table who scowled at Anna. Ana showed her middle finger, drawing a gasp from Elsa. Chuckling, she proceeded to her table, almost knocking a poor lady down. Elsa followed more gracefully behind.

Sitting down next to Belle and Elsa, Anna proceeded to tell them how she accidently got her self-locked outdoor for two hours waiting for Elsa who had gone to the grocer’s, drawing laughs from everyone.

Unknown to them, Kristoff was secretly talking to a waiter, slipping a small, white packet into the waiter’s hand while the waiter nodded.

The waiter straightened his bow and proceeded to the laughing table and took out his notepad. “One vanilla milkshake” said Merida. “One cappuccino for me.” winked Punzie. “Lemonade please.” Answered Belle. “One chocolate milkshake.” replied Elsa. “Hot chocolate for me.” Anna squealed. Everyone laughed.

The waiter went to get their drinks and proceeded to add the white powder which Kristoff had given him into the hot chocolate. Putting the drinks on the tray, he went out to serve them.

Chatting happily with the others, Anna proceeded to drink the chocolate drink, not suspecting it to be spiked. After the others had made plans for a movie at Elsa’s place and were walking out, when she suddenly felt dizzy and grabbed the first thing that she could which turned out to be Elsa’s arm.

“Are you okay?” Anna saw concerned icy blue eyes looking into her teal eyes. Anna shrugged, “Yeah, I’m fine. Lost my balance.” Anna straightened up and ran after the others who didn’t notice the incident, feeling a pair of concerned eyes following her.


Merida dropped on the couch while Belle and Rapunzel searched for a good movie. Elsa was locking the door and Anna was leaning on a wall. Merida looked up and frowned at Anna and beckoned Anna to sit next to her. “Ya awfully quite today. Ya okay?” Anna nodded and was about to speak when a squeal from Rapunzel stopped her. Rapunzel quickly inserted a DVD and sat back on the couch. Anna felt rather dizzy and stood up. “Gonna go to the bathroom.” she muttered. Rapunzel nodded, her eyes glued to the screen. Anna slowly walked up, one redhead and a blonde watching her.

Elsa was feeling restless. It was nearly fifteen minutes and Anna was still upstairs. ‘She’s probably taking a shower. Maybe I am paranoid.’ She thought. Rapunzel frowned, “Anna’s taking too long.” Elsa stood up, “I’ll go check on her.” She walked up. What she saw was enough to scare her. Anna was lying the floor, unconscious. Elsa rushed to Anna’s side, shaking her. “Anna wake up, wake up.” Elsa turned at the sound of footsteps behind her. Merida was standing there “What the hell-“she started but Elsa cut her short. “Call 911.”

Another cliff-hanger. What do you think happened? Let me know ;)

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