Chapter 9

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Without further ado I give you chapter 9

“You sure you want to come?” Asked Anna anxiously looking over at Elsa who was reading a magazine. Elsa sighed “For the hundredth time, YES.”

Anna grinned, “Well you don’t like clothes shopping or going to a mall, do you?”

“No but that that doesn’t mean than I can’t keep my gorgeous girlfriend company, does it?”

Anna blushed a crimson red and started combing her fiery orange hair. A sudden honk outside their door made the two sisters jump and caused Anna to squeal with childish excitement.

“Remember to wear your hat and sunglasses, you don’t want the paparazzi trailing you” Elsa reminded Anna.

Making their way to Belle’s red Ferrari, Anna gave a sigh of delight. “No bodyguards behind me. I’m free.” Elsa chuckled at her girlfriend’s newly found excitement.

“Took you long enough” grumbled Rapunzel. “Come on, let’s go.”


 “This is amazing” Anna grinned, looking behind at her girlfriend who was heavily laden with Anna’s purchases .Elsa scowled and nearly dropped the shopping bags.

“Come on, we just have enough time to go to that cafe I told you about.” said Belle, pulling Anna along. Just then a gust of wind blew of Anna’s oversized hat towards a young man with auburn hair. “Shit, My hat!” Anna cursed. The young man made his way to the cursing girl and held out her hat.

“Hi I’m Hans.”

“Hi I’m-“

“Anna White. Everyone knows you.”

Anna shyly looked at the young man. He was kinda cute with eyes that reminded her of the sea. He had huge auburn sideburns plastered at the side of his face. Anna quickly put on her hat but the damage was done. Everyone’s phone was pointed at her and her friends and a crowd was quickly forming around her with everyone shouting out their condolences. In this commotion, Anna was separated from Elsa and her friends.

Before she could say anything, Hans dragged her into a deserted coffee shop. “Thanks” she panted. “No problem.” Hans said and went to order them two cold coffees.

“I have to go back.” Anna stated. “I know but the crowd is still outside and if you don’t want to get mobbed, you’ll have to wait.” stated Hans calmly, taking a long draught of his coffee.

Anna glared at him and took a small sip of her coffee. Finding it taste just fine, she sat down and proceeded to soothe her parched throat.


“I think, its time.” declared Anna peering out of the small window. She had been sitting with Hans for over two hours. She found out that he was from Texas and came here to become an actor and had twelve older brothers and that he loved sandwiches.

Hans nodded and the two redheads made their way out.

“I think I should drop you home.” Offered Hans.

“Sure”Anna replied, stifling a yawn. They made their way to Hans blue Honda Fit. Anna swung herself inside and Hans took off.

“Where to, my lady?”


Another chapter finished. I’m having my exams so updates can be much slower. Sorry.

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