Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Anna stretched herself rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She stood up from the chair where she had spent the night next to Elsa. Kissing Elsa on her forehead, she went to the cafeteria. As expected everyone was sitting round a table.

Everyone was pale and tired except Merida who was snoring on Belle’s shoulder. Anna accepted her sandwich with a silent nod and started chewing on it. Suddenly the doctor appeared.

“Mrs Davies?” He asked Elsa’s mother. “I’m sorry we are not getting any match for your daughter’s kidney.”

“Well the we have to keep looking.” Answered Rapunzel. The doctor nodded and started to walk away. Anna suddenly got an idea and jumping up ran after the doctor.

She caught him up far away from her friends and relatives earshot.

“I want to see if my kidney matches up with Elsa’s,” she panted.

The doctor looked at her in surprise. “You’re not eighteen yet.”

“No but what’s the harm in checking? Come on doc. Elsa’s life is at stake here.” Pleaded Anna.

The doctor sighed. “Come with me.” He started to walk away, Anna close behind him.


Anna was sitting next to Elsa, her hands stroking Elsa’s soft platinum hair when the doctor came in.

“Miss White, your kidney is a match.”

“Really? Then what are we waiting for?”

“Your aunt’s permission.”

Anna turned to look at her aunt who had followed the doctor inside.

“Please Aunt Quinn. I know you want this. I know you want Elsa back.”

Her aunt swallowed, “I can’t let you do this. I can’t lose both my girls.”

“You don’t have to. I’ll survive. Elsa will survive. Please.”

Her aunt sighed. “Okay.”

“Well” said the doctor. “Let’s get you prepped for surgery.”


“How are you feeling?” asked Andrew in concern.

“Fine except for the stiches in my stomach.” Grumbled Anna. “What about Elsa?”

“Much better now. She’s going to be okay.” Replied Andrew.

“Thank God.”

“Well I better let you rest.” Andrew kissed her on the forehead and walked out.


Anna was sitting outside the hospital watching all the doctors work when Merida came rushing to her.

“Anna” She panted. “Elsa’s awake.”

Anna forgot all about her sore stomach and she ran like she had never before. She burst into Elsa’s room where everyone was gathered.

“Mom.” Whispered Elsa weakly. “Can I speak with Anna alone?”

Her mom kissed her on the forehead and spoke loudly. “Come on people let’s get some coffee.”

The room cleared out. Anna walked slowly towards Elsa.

“Oh Elsa.” She whispered.

Elsa took Anna’s hand. “Stay with me.”

Anna sniffled. “Always.”

Hey guys so Elsa didn’t die. There will an epilogue coming after this. Don’t worry.

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