Immunity Challenge

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All of the tribes hurry over to where the challenge would take place, Solana sees that Sephiroth and Micaiah are both not present with there tribes. Jeff explains they were both voted out, as he prepares everyone for the next challenge.

A short swim
Jeff explains the challenge, "Each team will send two people to untie a couple of crates painted in the color of that tribe. The crates are filled with some balls that the other two teammates throw to a nearby hoop. After all of the 8 balls have been thrown, one member swims out to crank a lever to pop up the tribe flag. First two teams to show the flag will earn reward AND both of the winning tribes get to hang out TOGETHER for 4 hours. Losing tribe gets nothing but a date with me at Tribal Council."

Jeff starts the challenge as Roy, Ken, Tracer, Viridi, Duck Hunt, and Junkrat swim to get the crates. Roy gets his crate fast and brings it to Beat and Korrina. Not that long after Junkrat gets his crate and Duck Hunt gets his, they both deliver their crates to Twintelle and Tharja. Viridi has a bit of trouble getting her crate loose, but eventually does as she follows behind Tracer and Ken. Tharja and Twintelle open the crates and start shooting the balls, less than successful only getting two balls in. Beat and Korrina actually got the balls in pretty fast. And Kid Cobra swims out to crank the lever. Tracer and Viridi finally get their crates to Monika and Chell, with Monika doing most of the work. But by that time, Tharja and Twintelle we're halfway done with the shots and Kid Cobra already won Appari immunity. Monika shot the balls in the basket as fast as she could, but Twintelle threw the final ball into the basket, and Sans swum towards the flag. Then, Sans finished cranking the lever as Luzon won immunity.
Jeff sends Luzon and Appari off to the Luzon camp as Solana gets nothing but the same message from Jeff that everyone has received. And they go back to camp.

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