Chapter 8

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Do you love me Winwin? The pink haired boy asks softly. I... I don't know hyung, it's complicated, Winwin replies. Sicheng tries to focus on the surrounding, it looks like a bedroom. There were two boys lying in the bed, the boy Winwin resting his forehead in the other's chest. They were the same boys who occurred earlier in his dreams. Why can't I see them?  He asks himself. Winwin... Do you?  The latter whispers. I don't know Tae hyung, it all feels something new and our parents will not support us. I know Winwin and it's also new to me but I do feel something special for you. So, do you feel something special for me, the said boy asks. Yeah, I think yes hyung. Ah.... I love you Winwinnie...!! I love you too hyung!! A tint of red appearing on both of their faces. Hyung, what happen, Are you crying? Winwin asks. Ah, it's just I'm so happy and I thought you would leave me, the latter says. No, hyung I will not leave you but our parents.... Winwin shutters. Let's not talk about them now, yeah?  The latter whispers. Hmm.. Yeah! 
I love you so much! Tae says hugging Winwin. I love you more hyung! Winwin smiles and hugs a little tighter.

Sicheng wake up, Sicheng... Sicheng. Sicheng feels someone shaking him, the voice feels so familiar like the pink haired boy in his dreams.

Sicheng opens his eyes slowly only to find a concerned looking Taeyong. He looks better, better than he looked some hours before. Sicheng sits up on his bed, he sees the time and sighs.

1:30 AM

Taeyong gives him a glass of water. Thanks. Sicheng takes it any drinks it in one go. Taeyong sighs. Were you having a nightmare. I was getting worried. Sicheng looks down on his lap trying to remember his dream and noddes, N.. No, it's not a nightmare. It was a lovely dream, but so weird and confusing. There were two boys. Someone named Winwin and Tae, I think. He says looking at Taeyong.

Sicheng sees something in Taeyong's eyes, he doesn't know what it was, it was so confusing. Taeyong moves a little forward towards him. Do.. Did you see them?  The boys?  Taeyong asks. No... I didn't see them. It was blurry. But I am sure they are the same person earlier I saw when I... First met you and I... Sicheng stops when realizes what he was going to say. His cheeks turning light pink.

When you?  Taeyong questions. When I touched you. Sicheng replies looking down. You what? It was Taeyong's time to blush. Oh God, fuck. Sicheng mumbles and looks up at Taeyong, their eyes locked. I mean, I was so worried and your face was so pale so my hands touched your face and I was hearing these voices and everything is just confusing. Sicheng sighs looking away.

Taeyong doesn't says anything, he was literally thanking every God. His Winwin is finally remembering something. He knows it will be hard for WInwin but he can't be more happy. Hey, Taeyong moves closer to Sicheng and hugs him. Sicheng finds it comfortable. It's gonna be alright, okay?  Taeyong whispers. Sicheng noddes and hugs him tighter.

Let's sleep now, okay?  Taeyong whispers softly in Sicheng's ear and lies down with Sicheng resting his forehead in his chest. Sicheng feels a shiver run down his spine.
Hmm.. Sicheng lays there. Taeyong was ruffling Sicheng's hair and hugs him tighter. Both of them in their own thoughts and finally sleep overtakes them.

Waiting for youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon