0.17 || REAL LIFE

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Lottie shuffled to her door when a knock echoed through her home. Her mother was at work, seeing as it was the middle of the day, so she had the house to herself.

Her sick self.

She was greeted with a faint smile from none other then Justin Foley. Lottie covered her mouth and coughed as she let him in.

"You sound great," Justin grimaced, ruffling his now wet hair. Lottie smiled faintly, knowing her mother had turned the heat up for her before leaving for work that morning.

"I feel great, too," She rasped, then winced. Her throat hurt.

"I can tell," he snorted, then held up the two bags he was carrying with a small grin. "I got food and hot chocolate from Monet's," he told her as he handed her a steaming styrofoam cup. "And Jess said you liked Disney movies, so I borrowed Hannah's."

Lottie smiled faintly, then rubbed her nose with Kleenex. "First of all, thank you so much. Second of all, that was sweet of you, and third of all, I apologize for my horrible looking self."

Justin waved his hands dismissively. "You look great, don't kid yourself." Lottie smiled as she was ushered into the living room and directed to sit on the couch. "Honestly," he continued. "I don't think I've ever seen anyone look this good when they're sick."

Lottie rolled her eyes and mumbled a quiet 'thank you' before cuddling into the large mountain of blankets she had on her couch. "You can sit with me," she mumbled.

"I need to put a movie in, hold on," he mumbled. Moments later, Lottie buried her face further into the blankets when she felt Justin lift up her legs and set them back down on his lap.

"Can you pass me the pillow over there," she yawned, pointing to the ground beside his feet. Lottie let out a quiet giggle when the pillow was thrown onto her, and eventually tucked it under her head so she had a proper view of 101 Dalmatians.

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