0.142 || MESSAGES

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conversation with:
👑Lottie Harper👑 and ⚾️Justin Foleyyy⚾️

12:27 PM

⚾️Justin Foley⚾️
Did I do something wrong???

If I did will you please just tell
me what it is, because I'll fix it

But I can't fix it if you won't
talk to me

So just

Tell me what's going on

I'll do anything to fix it

3:12 PM

⚾️Justin Foley⚾️
I'm worried

I'm really freaking out

Momma Harper says she
knows where you are, but
she's not telling us anything
and we're all loosing our minds
so please just

Are you okay

• • • • • •

conversation with:
🍉Megan Lee🍉 and 👑Lottie Harper👑

12:34 PM

🍉Megan Lee🍉
If you don't answer me I'm
going to bitch and complain
for the rest of the day

You know me

I'll do it

I don't hold back

1:06 PM

🍉Megan Lee🍉
Okay, you're seriously
starting to freak me out, Lottie

Tell me whats going on with
you, maybe I can help

2:18 PM

🍉Megan Lee🍉
At least just tell one of us
that you're okay

•   •   •   •   •   •   •

conversation with:
🎼Dominic Sing🎼  and  👑Lottie Harper👑

3:18 PM

🎼Dominic Sing🎼
I'm going to trust you when
I say that you know what you're

And that there's a reason
you're ignoring everyone

But if you feel like talking at
all, you know that I'm here

•   •   •   •   •   •   •   •

conversation with:

👩🏻Sarah Harper👩🏻  and  👑Lottie Harper👑

4:12 PM

👩🏻Sarah Harper👩🏻
Honey, I know it's a rough day
for you

But I'd like you to be home before
dinner, if you can manage it

Hannah is more than welcome to
join us because I can tell you've
told her

But Dom, Maggie and Justin are
all extremely worried about you

👑Lottie Harper👑
What time is dinner

Hannah said she'd come

👩🏻Sarah Harper👩🏻
Dinner is at around 6:30

👑Lottie Harper👑
We'll be there by 6

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