0.103 || REAL LIFE

820 13 0

Lottie and Justin walked into the school together, hand in hand.

Even though this was the second day they had been back at school, she still hadn't seen Kai. And she was thankful for that.

Whether it was because their schedules were so drastically different, or because the school had something to do with it she wasn't sure, but she was just happy she didn't have to see his face and be reminded of what had happened.

Every time she even pictured his face, her fingers made their way to the scar on the back of her shoulder one way or another. The mere memory of him was enough to send her into hysterics.

Just as the pair were making their way around the corner to go to Lottie's locker, Zach came flying around the corner. "Do you have my gum on you?"

"Yes, I do," Lottie nodded with a dramatic roll of her eyes. "I would never forget your gum in a million years."

Justin let out a small laugh and discretely looped his pinky finger through hers.

"I'm sensing some sass today," Zach grinned, reaching forward to carefully pat the top of her head while making sure he didn't mess up her hair.

"She's sassy every day."

Lottie turned around to face Dominic and Maggie, who had stopped to talk to Ryan on their way into the school. It was Dominic who had spoken, and Lottie rolled her eyes at his words.

"Yeah, okay," she scoffed. She turned around and buried her face in Justin's shoulder to make sure they couldn't see the smile that grew on her lips.

"It's true, Lottie," Zach laughed.

She turned around to flick his forehead just as Maggie started talking. "Lottie, take a chill—"

Maggie cut herself off and glared at something behind the rest of them. Dominic followed her gaze, and Lottie watched as his hands clenched into fists at his sides. The two of them were absolutely furious. When she glanced back at Zach and Justin, the two looked equally and pissed off, though they seemed to be able to control it better.

Lottie knew that there was only one person on this planet that could bring out that much rage in them, and she knew that if they didn't leave now, it was likely he would end up dead. "Leave it," she warned them both, walking away from Justin. She reached forward and grabbed one of their hands in hers. "I'm fine. I'm happy now. Leave it alone."

"For now," Maggie muttered, her narrowed eyes briefly flicking from Kai to Lottie before returning to their target. "I'll leave it alone for now."

"I can't say I'll hold her back when she charges at him," Dominic shrugged lightly, the scowl still on his face.

"I'll help her," Zach muttered, rolling up the sleeves to his hoodie.

Lottie smiled faintly and hugged the three of them before running a hand through her hair, and reaching behind her to grab one of Justin's hands in her trembling one. "You know I agree with them, right?" He murmured quietly, holding onto her tightly.

"I know," Lottie murmured. "But I just want to enjoy the rest of my school year with all of you. He means nothing to me anymore. If I was stronger and braver I might even join Maggie. But I'm not. I don't need him to know that he won." She offered him a small smile and pressed a short kiss to his lips. "Now lets just all go to class, alright? I've got to go find Hannah."

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