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Foleyyy: I'm actually a hundred percent speechless holy 😍

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Foleyyy: I'm actually a hundred percent speechless holy 😍

Tagged: @queen_lottie


JessD: aweeeeeee

HannahBanana: ^^^ this is so fricken cute

montyDLC: That is a giant fucking pompom on that hat right there

queen_lottie: I know right??? I swear to god it's an actual animal @montyDLC

maggie_lee: what Justin isn't telling you is that right when he took the picture he tripped and choked on his own spit because of how beautiful Lottie looks and we had to stop walking for five minutes so he could catch his breath

Foleyyy: oh yeah thanks maggs, go ahead, rat me out, see if I care @maggie_lee

maggie_lee: @Foleyyy  you might care but I don't 🤷🏻‍♀️

queen_lottie: ^^^ oh my god maggie I'm dying 😂

Dominic_sings: you know it's true, @queen_lottie

Foleyyy: it really is @Dominic_sings

its_alex_ffs: ^^^ and this is evidence as to why @maggie_lee is one of my favourite people

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