0.29 || REAL LIFE

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Justin sat on one of the many out door chairs with Dominic and the rest of his friends in a circle, drinking Pepsi from a red solo cup while they watched the girls run around in the snow. He couldn't help but tune out the conversation and focus all his attention on Lottie.

The way she snorts when she laughed.

The way her hair had fallen out of its messy bun and was now flying all over the place as she threw snow at Jessica.

The way her eyes crinkle when she smiles.

"You alright, man?" Zach asked,  snapping him out of his thoughts.

Justin immediately averted his gaze to the contents of his cup. "Yeah," he nodded, glancing up at Lottie. She seemed to notice him looking, and shot him a large smile before receiving a face full of snow. Justin smiled when she let out a squeal, then looked back down at his lap.

"He's just in love," Montgomery snorted, tossing a pretzel stick at Justin. Zach rolled and Alex nodded in agreement. Dominic merely listened in silence.

"Honestly though," Alec cut in. "Who isn't in love with Lottie."

"True," Monty chuckled in agreement, grabbing a handful of chips from the small table in the middle of them all.

"She is pretty amazing, isn't she," Justin mused, tapping the almost empty cup against his leg. The other boys shared a knowing look.

"Just be careful with her," Dominic cut in quietly, not once taking his eyes off of the girls. "She doesn't trust easily."

"Are you allowed to tell us what happened?" Zach asked, a small frown forming on his face. They all nodded in agreement. Dom glanced at them before letting out a sigh, grabbing his beer bottle from the table.

"I'm sure you've all seen someone named Kai Banks commenting on hers posts," he murmured after a moment. Justin nodded, an unpleasant feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"I don't know who he is but I don't like that guy," Zach frowned.

"Lottie you bitch!" They paused their conversation to look at Maggie, laying face first in the snow, while Lottie stood a few feet away doubled over in laughter. She was then pulled into the snow by none other then Maggie.

"Anyways," Dom chuckled, rolling his eyes at his girlfriends antics. "Lottie dated Kai for almost two years before she moved. To put it gently, he didn't treat her well. At all." Justin thought back to when Lottie was sick, and he felt the scar on her shoulder.

He suddenly felt ready to throw up.

"He didn't hurt her, did he?" Justin asked shakily, chewing on his bottom lip. Dom looked over at him with wide eyes.

"Did Lottie tell you?" He asked him softly. Justin hesitantly shook his head.

"I was helping her when she was sick a couple weeks ago," he explained. "I noticed the scar on her shoulder."

Dominic closed his eyes and inhaled sharply, as if remembering a traumatic event. "It's not my place to tell you anymore," he sighed. "The rest is up to her to say. Just take care of her, please. She's fragile."

They all looked at Lottie — at how happy she was — and nodded.

"You didn't even need to ask," Alex promised.

Justin watched Lottie run around, her whole body covered in snow, and couldn't help but wonder how many other scars she had.

EXHIBIT  || Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now