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I know I don't have to say this, but I feel like I have to explain what's going to happen to you guys with the updating schedule.

I try to update this story at least every couple days, because I love 13 Reasons Why and it's characters and story line, but it's more than likely that for the next while, updates are going to be far and few between.

As of right now, I'm dealing with a lot of things in my life (depression, social anxiety, and a few other things related to my mental health) and with school added into the mix, I know that it's going to get worse and my motivation to do literally anything will just plummet

So if I don't update for long periods of time, I promise I haven't forgotten about Lottie and Justin and their story. I more than likely know that it's been a long time since the last chapter went up, but I simply can't find it in me to do anything about it.

So I appreciate your patience with me and this story, and I hope you stick with me to the end.

Thank you for taking the time to read this,


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