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Dominic_sings: just your average Sunday afternoon with some even more average hooligans 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Dominic_sings: just your average Sunday afternoon with some even more average hooligans 🤷🏻‍♂️

Tagged: @Foleyyy @maggie_lee @queen_lottie @HannahBanana


dempz: mildly offended that I wasn't invited but that's okay *sniffs sadly* I see how it is

Foleyyy: ^^^you were busy, bro, sorry

dempz: ^^^still doesn't make it okay

HannahBanana: still can't believe Dom almost killed me 😂

itsSheri: Lottie looks so happy it's warming my heart

itsSheri: I was worried about her yesterday

JessD: ^^^me too, I'm glad she's feeling a bit better

queen_lottie: I love you both so much 😊 @JessD  @itsSheri

Dominic_sings: oh my god it was an accident, I swear on my life @HannahBanana

maggie_lee: you sure it was an accident, babe???

maggie_lee: because to me, it looked a whole lot like you tried to murder one of my wives in cold blood

montyDLC: this actually looks like it would be so much fun

jAtkins: yo, where'd you even get the grocery carts

Foleyyy: ^^^we just found them and went "ah what the hell" and yeah

its_alex_ffs: ^^^thats very spontaneous of you guys, I'm impressed

maggie_lee: ALEX OH MY GOD WE MISSED YOU @its_alex_ffs

queen_lottie: ^^^yesssssssssssss we missed you so much

queen_lottie: ^^^are you back???

its_alex_ffs: ^^^I believe I am

maggie_lee: ^^^FUCK YES

Dominic_sings: oh my god maggie calm down

JessD: you should totally put this picture on your tumblr @jAtkins

jAtkins: ^^^hmmmm 🤔

montyDLC: how's Ginger doing???

Dominic_sings: ^^^shes going great...ate a little bit too much, so she's on a died for a little while but other than that she's wonderful

montyDLC: ^^^good

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