Wrost dodge

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Moon: You guys we got the dodge for rev.dipper!

Bill: What is it

Moon: It something that he will hate for sure

Bill: Yay can't wait

Dipper: You just like to see people miserable don't you

Bill: You know me so well pine tree

Moon: Okay on with the dodge, Rev.Dipper and Will get down here!!!!!

Rev.dipper: "walks down stairs" What do you want

Will: "appears in a seat with messy hair"

Moon: First, you got your dodge and Second, Will are you ok?

Will: I-i can't w-walk

Bill: Damn rev.dipper did you hard

Rev.Dipper: Yup, so what the dodge

Moon: Well let me just get into this protective bubble

Dipper: Where did that come from?

Moon: Not important, okay your dodge is you have to stay away from Will for a month

Rev.Dipper: WHAT!!!!!!

Bill: Ha, you can't be near him for a month me and pine tree just need a few more day then were done

Dipper: Bill stop begin so mean and you might want to hold back rev.dipper

Bill: Why? "Sees him ready to attack"

Bill: Shit! "Holds him back"

Moon: It not mine fault it Bdipper fault he the one who came up with it

Bdipper: Sure blame on me "eats ice cream"

Moon: Ah were you come from

Bdipper: \(•_•)/ I Don't Know

Will: Y-you might w-want to run

Bdipper: Why?

Bill: "lets him go" That why

Bdipper: Oh god "runs"

Rev.dipper: "knocks over camera"

Moon: Oh shit


Bdipper: Aaaaaahhhhhhh "falls from roof" OW that hurt

Rev.dipper: Come back here

Stan: Hey don't break the shack would you!!!!


Moon: Dipper grab a bucket bill on fire!!!

Dipper: AGAIN!?!


Will: M-master come down p-please "puppy eyes face"

Rev.dipper: Fine but only because you're adorable

Will: T-thank you


Moon: Okay is everyone ok

All: Ya

Moon: Good well that it since there's no dare or ask so goodbye everyone have a lovely day or night depending when you're reading this-

Bill: Moon did you just break the fourth wall?

Moon: It was already breaking I'll buy a new later, where was I oh ya that the end bye!!!❤️

Bill: Bye

Dipper: See ya later

Bdipper: I have no regrets and I still have my ice cream 🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦

Rev.dipper: You have a problem

Bdipper: Don't care

Billdip and willdip Ask or DareWhere stories live. Discover now