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Hey guys so Im sorry to say this Im going to end this book not because I have to but because I can't think of any other good ideas for it. I know there was still some dares that I didn't do Im so sorry if one of them was yours. But I will be writing a new book called "Im just an Error" it in the My hero academia universe but Im going to take my time and extend it meaning it have a lot more of the characters childhood also all of class 1-A is gay and mineta is replace by shinso, there might be some rare ships in there too. Again sorry about this really I love you all thank you for all the support and comments love you lovelies❤️

Bill: So for the final time

Dipper: This is us saying

Will: Goodbye

Rev.Dipper: And fell Well

Stan: Hopefully you read the new book

Ford: And if you do say a little hello

Mable: You can always comeback and read it again

Pacifica: And laugh too

Moon: Goodbye my lovelies for the last time here❤️

Billdip and willdip Ask or DareWhere stories live. Discover now