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Bill: Something feels... off

Dipper: What do you mean?

Bill: Well, it feels like something bad going to happen and I surprisingly don't like it...

Rev.Dipper: Pretty sure you're just crazy

Bill: I know I'm crazy burning tree but this seems different

Will: W-why is t-that red l-light on?

Rev.Dipper: Oh no..

Moon: *crashes through wall* Oh yes!! I am back suckers!!!!

Everyone: Aaaahhhh!!!!!!

Bill: I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE!! Why the fuck are you here!?!

Moon: I got bored and decided to bring this book of torture- I mean dares and ask back

Rev.Dipper: I don't see this ending well for us

Dipper: Neither do I

Moon: Don't worry the dares I got are old and not so crazy

Will: T-that good I g-guess...

Moon: Anyway let get going!

From: EmberFox_official

I dare will and bill to put on a dress


Bill: Well fuck, at least it not crazy

Will: B-but I d-don't have a dress...

Moon: And this is where this dare comes in handy

From: babeT0

I dare will and Dipper and moon to go shopping

Dipper: Well then... Didn't think I would get drag into a dare so soon

Bill: Ok well that takes care of Will but what about me

Moon: Easy, Dipper will pick yours

Rev.Dipper: Hopefully it bright pink

Bill: No! Anything but that disgusting color!

Moon: Come on Will, Dipper let go shopping!

Dipper: Oh no...

—1 hour later—

Moon: And that why you never feed a lemon to a bear

Dipper: We were talking about the dresses... how did we end up with this!

Moon: Same way that bear ended up winning a drag queen contest

Rev.Dipper: Do we want to know?

Will: B-best not m-master

Moon: Ok, Bill and Will go put on these dresses

Bill: Ya ya little witch

Will: ok..

Will's dress ^^

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Will's dress ^^

Will's dress ^^

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Bill's dress^^

Bill: I am not going to lie, I quite like this it feels so free

Will: *nods* Mmhm

Rev.Dipper: Say what you want but Will looks the best

Will: *blushes*

Bill: Bitch I look fabulous!

Dipper: You really do Bill

Bill: Thank you pinetree

Moon: Ok ok we have one more

Bill: Say what now

From: Hanahaki_gray

Ask: can I have.... A hug?
I'm lonely and in need of huggles
Dipper: Of course you can have a hug

Will: Ya!

Bill: I may be in a dress but I will still hug you

Rev.Dipper: Gross human contact, but fine

Moon: And of course I will give you a hug, everyone deserves love!

Group hug! (sending)  (sent!)

Moon: Well that all for this chapter

Bill: Like before leaves us some

Dipper: Dares or Ask

Rev.Dipper: Were forced to this either way

Will: P-please be nice and n-nice

Moon: See you all later lovelies❤️


:) Im back

And not leaving for a while

Billdip and willdip Ask or DareWhere stories live. Discover now