Bill scared?

625 16 15

(Can play song now or later)

Moon: I think I got the camera working?!?

Dipper: Really?

Moon: Ya the light on so hi guys

Dipper: Hi we can finally do the dares that have been on hold

Moon: Yup and for this we need Will, Rev.dipper and you dipper

Rev.dipper: I heard my name

Will: meow (me too)

Dipper: Will still a cat?

Rev.dipper: Yup "pets will"

Will: "purs"

Moon: Awwww, anyway the dare for dipper

Dare: Dipper have to scare the shit out of bill

Dipper: How am I supposed to do that?!?

Moon: Wait remember how bill was scared of stuff animals

Rev.dipper: And pink

Dipper: I got a plan, we get some human size stuff animals cut a hole in the back then we just climb in there and wait till he comes in then we start moving toward him

Moon: Awesome but what about Will

Rev.dipper: We can just get him to turn pink then he just have to follow bill around

Moon: Ok let get ready while bill still distracted

Rev.dipper: Where is bill?

Dipper: Ford studding him

Moon: Okay ket get ready

One hour later~

Moon: Okay everyone ready

Rev.dipper: Yup

Dipper: Yup, get in position I'll call him

Moon: K

Dipper: Bill can you get up here please

Bill: Coming pine tree, where are you?

Dipper: In the living room

Bill: What wrong pin- Oh My God what the heck stuff animals, nononononononono

Will: meow (now)

Stuff animals start to move

Bill: What the fuck why are there moving, Fuck this shit I'm out "runs"

Moon: Let go after him

All: Ok


Bill: I think I'm ok "turns around" shit they following me ahhhh

Stan: Hey bill will you sh- what the heck, Hey ford you might want to come out here

Ford: What is it stanly- why is Bill being chased by stuff animals?

Stan: I thought you would now

Mable: "comes out of nowhere" I know why!!

Stan twins: Ahh!!

Mable: Sorry, this happening because it a dare that dip got

Ford: I see and why do you have a camera?

Mable: To recorded it duh

Stan: Ok, how long will this last

Mable: \(•_•)/ I Don't Know

Three hours later~

Moon: Okay I think that enough

Dipper: Ya "get out of the stuff animal" bill it was dare!

Bill: Wait really!?!

Rev.dipper: Yup "poofs away the stuffies"

Bill: Piiiinnnneee trrreeee you scared me

Dipper: Sorry bill it was a dare

Bill: "hugs dipper" hmph

Moon: Okay let go back inside


Moon: Okay all that left is a dare for Mable

Mable: Oooo what is it

Moon: Here

Dare: Mable has to listen to the song tik tok by Kesha

(Play song now if you want to)

Mable: Yay I get to listen to a song!

Moon: Hear put these on "hands headphones"

Mable: K "puts them on"

Bill: Now what

Moon: Time skip

Few minutes later~

Mable: I like the song it was cool!!

Moon: Okay well this is the end of the chapter so leave ask or dares bye lovelies❤️

All: Bye!!!!

Okay I'm going to extend the challenge a week so it end at July 7th, today it a fill in one

Remember, _____ is an illusion, the ____ is a hologram, ____ gold ____!!! — Bill cipher

cheekycho : 1
Rest: none

Billdip and willdip Ask or DareWhere stories live. Discover now