Dares, Dares and dares!!

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A/N: Okay so before we start this chapter I am officially done with freshman year for high school, finals was a bitch. But anyway let's continue on!

Moon: Welcome back lovely readers, to another chapter which is going to be filled with only dares!

Bill: Ah, well fuck! This chapter going to be a pain in the butt

Rev.Dipper: I can already see all the embarrassing things we might have to do

Will: I-it cant b-be that b-bad ri-right

Dipper: We can only hope that it won't be

Moon: You all sound done with life

Bill: Well miss little witch demon it's summer and the weather has been quite annoying and I really hate that you're already out of school

Moon: Welp to bad I'm going to have more time to update now so yay!!!

Rev.Dipper: These next two months are going to be tortured

Moon: Okay 1st of all RUDE!!! and 2nd of all the readers are the ones that make up the dares not me

Dipper: Your'e the one that chooses them

Will: And w-write the s-story

Moon: Wow I'm being attack today okay let's move on before I cry

Hey I dare dipdop to switch personalities with Mable

Dipper: Nope nope nope nope!! Not doing that today no dodge!

Moon: Awwww why?

Mable: We one time switch body's and it was not the best experience that day

Bill: Okay where are you shooting star I can hear you but not see you

Will: She u-up there

*Everyone looks up*

Rev.Dipper: How the hell did you get up there

Mabel: DIY gone wrong

Moon: How wrong did it go for you to get stuck there

Dipper: What were you trying to make is my question!?

Mable: Well I trying to make a bath bomb and let's just say there was more bomb then expected

Bill: Ya no shit, how long have you been up there

Mable: Ah since Saturday

Will: But i-it's S-Saturday

Mable: Yup!

Rev.Dipper: How did you even get something to eat if you're stuck up there

Mable: Grunkle Ford got me some food he didn't questioned it

Bill: How many times times did happen for sixer not to question it

Dipper: To many times😓

Moon: Okay let's get you down

"Three hours later"

Moon: That took forever

Dipper: Ya it really did

Bill: We still couldn't get her unstuck without having to break pieces of the roof off

Billdip and willdip Ask or DareWhere stories live. Discover now