Bored at a quince

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Moon: Hey so, no am not back from break I'm just at a quince with nothing to do

Bill: How about you have fun and interact

Moon: Well do which do you want me to have fun or to interact

Dipper: Are you ok?

Moon: No

Will: Do y-you need help?

Moon: Most likely

Rev.Dipper: Let just ignore that

Moon: Ok on with the dares and a I think a few ask

I dare Dipper and Will to wear maid dresses for 1 week and serve there lovers...
Dipper: Shit

Will: Ok

Moon: There reactions are so different

Bill: I think Will use to it

Will: You are correct B-bill

Moon: Want to explain rev

Rev.Dipper: No not really

Moon: Understandable have a nice day, ok dresses "claps hands"

Dipper and Will are now in maid dresses

Dipper: This is oddly comfy

Will: Mhm

Moon: Next one
I dare Dipper and Will wear maid dresses with cat ears and show it to them

(* Prepares camera*)
Dipper: Great

Will: A-again

Moon: Yup! "claps hands"

Dipper: *poof* Wait a second these are real

Moon: Oh ya, there also this dare
Dare 1: I dare the submissive tooo turn into the cutest neko girls in da world forrrrrr two days
Will: B-but we aren't girls

Moon: Look down

Dipper: *looks down* Oh, I have boobs

Will: That w-why my chest f-felt heavy

Bill and Rev.Dipper: *nose bleeds*

Moon: Great there blood on the floor again

Dipper: I'll get Mable

Will: Ok so any others?

Moon: Ya from the same person but it's an ask
Truth: what do you think of your lovers
(This includes mabcifica)
Mable: Ok why is there blood on the floor again and why is Dipper and Will girls in maid dresses with cat ears?

Moons: One word dares

Pacifica: Understandable

Moon: Anyway while we clean the blood up answer the question

Dipper: Well even though bill a little crazy he really nice and caring and he'll kill anyone who hurts me

Bill: You know I would pinetree

Will: Master is really nice even he doesn't show it, he tries to keep me happy and safe all the time and he also kill anyone who hurts me

Rev.Dipper: There fucking idiots if they think they can hurt Blueberry and get away with it

Mable: Pacifica is really sweet and always gives me hugs she also deals with all my craziness

Moon: Ok so we have two semi-yanderens

Pacifica: Who said I wouldn't kill someone if they hurt Mable

Moon: .....ok...... let's continue
i want to ask, moon, why did you " destroyed" 10 galaxy
Moon: Ok so the first two were because someone stole my food, the next three was because they were mess up in the heads-

Bill: So crackheads

Moon: Ya basically, the 6th one was because I felt like it then then the other five was because Error sans told me to exchange for spell books

Will: O-oh

Moon: Don't worry I won't destroy this one I like it

Dipper: Oh thank mavis

Bill: Yay we won't die from the hands of the little witch

Moon: Shut up

Mable: Next dare!!!
I dare will to stay in a tree for a day ;w;

Oh and *yeets rock at bill* good luck!
Bill; The fuck!, where that come from?

Mable: Magic

Pacifica: Obviously 🙄

Bill: Haha ha, nice joke

Moon: Ok Will up you go in a tree

Will: H-here we go a-again *poofs in a tree*

Dipper: So he has to stay there for a day?

Moon: Yup

Bill: Where burning tree?

Mable: He in the tree

Moon: What are you doing there?

Rev.Dipper: Keeping Will company

Moon: Ok Im ending the chapter here so bye lovelies❤️

The rest: Bye!!


Stan: "sees the blood sign" Ok who killed another person

Bill: No one killed anyone, at least not this time

Stan: So why the blood sign?

Mable: Code N

Stan: Got it, so no need for Ford "special" invention

Moon: Nope no need at all

Ford: Good because it still messy from last time

Rev.Dipper: At least it wasn't a code K

Stan: Good for that

So like I said still not out of the break because my brother weeding is like in a week but I did finish the gifts so that good. I only did this chapter because Im at a quince with nothing to do. Anyway question for you guys what is your funniest moment in your life?

Billdip and willdip Ask or DareWhere stories live. Discover now