Ah shit im been tagged

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Moon: Well fuck time to expose myself

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Moon: Well fuck time to expose myself

Bill: Good luck with that

Rev.Dipper: Ha!

1. No I don't like anyone I'm terrible in love

Dipper: That not true

Moon: BET

2. Ok who would actually like me in a not platonic way like most people I know are part of the LGBTQ+ which I support and have nothing against it (p.s Happy Pride Month!🏳️‍🌈)

Bill: Yay I can finally run in full out rainbow

Rev.Dipper: Pretty sure you would do that anyways

Dipper: Ya you would

3. My middle name is lizbeth

Will: I l-like it

Moon: Thank you Will

4. Single as fuck never had a romantic relationship in my whole entire life

Bill: That's sad

Moon: Ya

5. Last person I texted was my BBF on snapchat

Rev.Dipper: What this you actually being social

Moon: Well fuck you but it's true

6. Last song I listen too was boulevard of broken dreams

Will: T-that's a sad song though

Moon: YUP!

7. My battery at 55%

Bill: Surprising not 10%

8. My best friend that a girl is susana we went to the same elementary

9. Best guy friend is angel we would talk at once a day during 7th grade and like half of 8th grade

Dipper: What happened then

Moon: Different interest that lead us apart

10. OTP has to be bakukiri (bakugou and kirishima from bnha)

Bill: Weeb!!

Moon: Yes I am and proud to be one

11. I made this account because I read some amazing books and it expired me too write my own book

Will: Yay!

12. My current lock screen is this

Dipper: Isn't that splatoon 2 octo expansion

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Dipper: Isn't that splatoon 2 octo expansion

Moon: Yes it is and it's amazing!!

13. My birthday was on May 6

Will: H-happy late b-birthday!

Moon: Aw thanks will

People that I tag now


I probably tagged a few twice I'm not sure to be honest

Moon: Also a new chapter might be up by tomorrow hopefully but anyways bye my lovelies❤️

Billdip and willdip Ask or DareWhere stories live. Discover now