Chapter 5

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After hours of shopping, we went to a restaurant. 'Finally...' as we sat down and ordered our food. Veronica was wearing her new dress. (the photo above). then her eyes suddenly widened, "Laxus! I just realize something!", she gasped. "What?!", I asked worriedly. "Ummm.... Since no one knows our secret about you know what-", I got confused "Huh? Secret?", I asked. She sighed, "You know we get weak when we're too far from each other!", she said telepathically. After the day we found out we can communicate telepathically, we also found out that we start to get weak and get a lot of body pains when we're very far from each other. We still didn't understood why. "What about it?", I asked. "Well....where am I- or were are we going to sleep? I mean, no one must not know about 'you know what'", she sighed. I facepalmed, "Shit. I forgot about that.... Well I think I don't have an apartment anymore since I did left Magnolia for a very long time.", I sighed. That means... "That means I'm staying at gramps place.... this is gonna be awkward...", I sighed. Veronica nodded, "Totally....", she sighed. "I can teleport back to my mansion. It will drain my energy and I'm conserving my energy for emergency battles.", she stated. As the food was serve we started to eat lunch, "We can't get an apartment. I mean it'll be awkward since we're not dating and all.", I said. Veronica nodded and I saw slight blush from her face, "Y-yeah...", she said as she ate her curry. "Well... I think we should tell Master Makarov. I know that he'll understand.", she smiled. I dont want him to know! "Ummm... Okay?", I smiled nervously.

After eating we went back to the guild where gramps was. Veronica placed all her clothes in her magic bag. Then we made our way to gramps' office. We both walked inside the office, "Hi Avvi. And Laxus.", he said. "Hey... uh... you see....", I scratched my head. "Let me guess. You need a place to stay huh?", he crossed his arms. I nodded, "Yeah, and I don't have my apartment anymore. So is it okay to stay at your place?", I asked. Gramps laughed and nodded, "Of course!", then he looked at Veronica. "So what brings you here Avvi?", he asked. Here it goes. "You see gramps. Before we went to Tenrou Island, we found out he get a lot of body pains when we're far from each other...", I said. "And if it's okay Master Makarov, is it okay if I stay where Laxus is?", she asked nervously. Gramps sighed, "Hmm.... who else knows this?", he asked. "Just you.", I said. "Okay then, anything else I need to know?", he asked. I know he sensed we're also hiding something embarrassing. "Well we....", I couldn't continue. "We actually umm.... we sleep more comfortable together... Just sleeping!", Veronica clarified. "Hmm... Are you two dating?", he asked. We both immediately shook our heads, "No! We're not dating!", we both yelled in unison. I was blushing a little so was Veronica. Gramps laughed at us, "Oh well! It's up to you guys! I'll just have to agree on what you two agree on!", he laughed. I sighed and Veronica smiled, "Well anyways. I was thinking how about I cook dinner for tonight. And have a little chat with you Master Makarov since you're Mr. Giant's grandpa.", she grinned. I have a bad feeling about this.... Gramps chukled, "Why of course! I'll tell you everything you need to know about Laxus! Starting from his baby photos to his teenage years!", he teased. I sighed and looked at Veronica, "Let me guess this is payback for asking Zen to sneak me into your 'remissness' room.", I crossed my arms and she nodded as she smiled happily, "Why yes."

Night  time came and we were at Gramps place which was just behind the guild. Veronica was cooking dinner while we helped her. To be honest, even though she was a very busy Queen before, she is stillan amazing cook. Even just cooking food using ingredients from the woods, she knows how to cook them elegantly and delicious. After prepping dinner we started to eat. "Thank you Veronica! It smells delicious!", Gramps smiled as his eyes sparkled. "No problem.", she smiled. "So how was Laxus when he was little?", she asked. "Well when he was small he's more friendly and approachable." he said as he ate the steak Veronica cooked. She kept asking embarrassing questions about m and Gramps answered them all HONESTLY! And what made Veronica more happy when Gramps told him about when I did the hand sign and gave it a meaning. 


After dinner, Master Makarov was supposed to wash the dishes but of course I asked Laxus to do it. He has no choice so he washed the dishes while Master Makarov showed me Laxus' baby pictures at the living room. "Oh my Cassiopeia! He is sooooooo cuute!", I took a photo of his baby pics on my phone. Me and his grandfather kept talking about him and laughing about him, then when he finally said this, "Thank you, Avvi. For bringing my grandson back home. And making him into a good man again.", he smiled. I smiled, "Well to be honest, he just needs some lighting up about life.", I stated. "But still. I thank you for making him into a good man again.", he bowed. "No problem Master. To be honest, he was really a good man from the start. He was just misunderstood.", I explained. Master Makarov nodded, "I guess you're right.", he said after a few minutes Laxus came in, "Veronica I just finished cleaning my room up. And also the bathroom, you can take a bath if you like.", he asked. I nodded, "Sure. I do need a bath.", I chuckled. "Excuse me.", I hummed as I stood up and went to Laxus' room and to his bathroom. 

After taking a bath I wore my purple silky sleeveless top with matching shorts. I got out of the bathroom and I saw Laxus in his pajamas. "I took a bath at Gramps' bathroom.", he explained. I giggled," Oh I thought I was gonna fall asleep quikly with your smell.", I joked. "Very funny. But you've been asleep for three days. And even though I kept an eye on you I also take a shower everyday.", he chuckled. I sighed, "Fine fine. Okay you win.", I yawned. "You're tired. We should get some sleep.", he said. I nodded and laid down on the bed and he followed. He knew I was get cold easily so he wrapped his arms around me to keep me warm. "Good night.", I smiled. "G'night.", he yawned and we both fell asleep


Makarov was just sitting on his bed thinking about Laxus and Avvi. "Maybe because of their strong bond...", He said to himself. They both look like a very cute couple- but he was worried what will Ivan do if he ever finds out Laxus' new weakness. He yawned and just fell asleep.

[Fairy Tail] The Goddess Queen and The Thunder God (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now