Chapter 6

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It's been a month ever since I joined Fairy Tail. Me and Laxus and the rest of the Thunder Legion have been going to a lot of jobs. So of course along the journey Ever, Freed, and Brix found out about me and Laxus can't sleep well in separate beds. But we didn't told them our weakness. We just finished our 20th job and we're on our way to the  guild. "Say Avvi, are you okay? You've been sleep talking about some boy named Gerald? Is he your love interest?", Ever asked while Laxus looked at me. I chuckled, "Nope. Gerald is my son.", I smiled. "YOUR SON?!", Brix, Freed, and Ever gasped. "Yup.", me and Laxus replied. "So your married?", Brix asked. "Was.", I replied. "Eh? Divorced?", Freed asked. "Yup.", I replied. "What's marriage like?", Ever asked and I remembered she and Elf man joked Mira about getting married. "Well marriage is like dating your boyfriend. Only he's your husband and you have to be more responsible. Like you have to make sure he's okay and you two are okay. Then bills, problems, and hard core stuff.", I sighed. "But when you guys have kids, you have to focus on them more. And love them more.", I added. "Oh. So where's your son?", Ever asked. "He died when Euphemia was destroyed....", I frowned. "Hey I think there's an Ice cream shop nearby!", Laxus tried to change the topic. 'Thank you Laxus! Just what I need' I sighed in relief. 

We all ordered some ice creams and we continued going back to the guild, while walking Laxus stopped and looked at me. He sighed and walked up to me, "Veronica, your a messy eater when it comes to ice cream.", he pulled out a handkerchief and wiped my lips that had ice cream, "Thanks.", I smiled. Then we continued walkin to the guild, while walking Ever pulled me a little further from the boys, we walked slowly so that the'll be a little far from us. "So. Tell me Avvi. Do you like Laxus?", she whispered as she grined. I shook my head, "No!", I whispered back. "Oh come on! you were blushing!", she whispered. "I was?", I asked. "Yeah! you were so cute!", she giigled. "But seriously. Don't you have any feelings for Laxus? you two sleep in the same bed, you two can talk telepathically, you two know more about each other.", she said. I shrugged, "Tbh, I'm not sure... I've been having second thoughts about if I....", I sighed. "You like him? or love him?", she asked. "Love him? I guess? I don't know.... I still love what we have right now... but what if he loves someone else? more better than me?", I sighed. She punched me lightly on my left arm, "You gotta be kidding me Avvi. It's obvisous he loves you too. Too much I guess.", she smiled. I shrugged, "I don't maybe he's just nice-", then she cut me off. "NICE?! you're the only person that he ever treated that way! He's over protective and he treats you like a Queen!", she said to me and I chuckled, "Well duh I am a Queen or was. But, I dont know... we'll see I guess.", I smiled. And we finally arrive at the guild, well the boys are we're a little far from them. Then me and Ever ran to them, "You guys done with you're girl talk?", Laxus asked. I nodded, "Yeah.", I sad as we went inside. And we saw Master Makarov was about to announce something, "Everyone! It's been 7 years since Fairy Tail's greatest fighters have not entered the Grand Magic Games. So now we're here! We'll make Fairy Tail Number one again!", he yelled and the guild celebrated. "We have 3 months to train for the games. So get going everyone!", Master said as the others talked about where they'll train. Then I heard Lucy and the others are gonna train at the beach. "So where are we gonna train?", Freed asked. "I don't know.", Ever sighed. "How about at my mansion?", I smiled. Laxus looked at me, "Wait don't tell me!", he freaked out. "Oh come on Laxus. That did helped.", I grinned. "OKAY!", The three smiled. "Wait! What! Hell no!", Laxus yelled. "Sorry Laxus you can't do anything about it!", I chuckled. He sighed.

Me and Laxus went back to Master Makarov's place to grab some of Laxus' stuff. While Laxus was at his room I was at the kitchen drinking some tea. Then Master Makarov was there, "Oh master. Would you like some tea?", I asked. "No thanks.", he sat down on the chair while I drank some tea. "Oh Master I forgot to give you something.", I said as I reached out for a box and carried it on top of the kitchen island. "Me and Laxus brought you some of this tea. He said these were your favorite and you ran out of stock.", I smiled. Then Master Makarov smiled and his eyes sparkled, "Avvi you're the best!", he smiled as he hugged the box of tea. "No problem.", I smiled as I drank some tea. "Say. I heard your going to your mansion with Laxus and with the rest o the Thunder Legion.", he said. "Yeah. We were gonna tell you when Laxus is done taking a shower and fixing his stuff.", I smiled. "Aww.. I'm gonna miss you guys again.", he whined. "Dont worry Master. It's just 3 months.", I replied. "Yeah but I miss having my family arounf.", he smiled. I tilt my head, "Family?", I asked." Yes.", he said. "Yeah I know Laxus is your family but me?", I asked. "Yup. your a part of my family now!", he smiled. "You see, your like my granddaughter. You've helped so much in this family and this guild. You even paid all of the bills of the other guild members who have been in Tenrou Island for 7 years. Even though it was suppose to be my job as guild master.", he said. "No problem Master. You have been nice to me, and you're Laxus' family so of course I will help his family.", I smiled. "Gramps. Just call me gramps.", he chuckled. "Are you sure Master?", I asked. "Yeah! I'm sure!"he grinned. "Okay Gramps!", I chuckled. Then Laxus came in, "Veronica you ready?", he asked. I nodded as I stood up, "Yup!", I smiled. We both walked to the door, then Laxus stopped and turned his head around and look at Master Makarov slash Gramps. "See ya soon Gramps.", he said turned around again. I chuckled, "Bye Gramps!", I smiled and Laxus was a bit shock and we both continued going to the nearby forest where Ever, Brix, and Freed were. "Did you just called him Gramps?", he asked. I nodded," Yeah. He said I should just call him gramps.", I said. "You seemed okay with it.", he said while we were getting close. "Yeah. Cause I finally have a grandpa who's not like my grandparents.", I smiled and I saw Ever, Freed, and Brix. "Hey guys!", I waved. "Avvi! Laxus!", they said. We all gathered up and I pulled out a blue shard from, "Here it goes.", I said and drew a huge circle and it became a portal. "Let's go!", I smiled. and we went inside.


We were at the entrance inside the mansion. Evergreen, Freed, and Brix looked around in amazement. "It's so big!", Freed looked around while Evergeen looked at the windows, "The garden looks so beautiful!", she said. While Brixslow looked at the chandalier. "I never thought you were this rich!", he said. Veronica laughed, "I WAS a Queen.", she said. And Zen came in and bowed, "You're majesty. Their rooms are all fixed." he said. "Okay. Can you take them to their rooms?", she asked. Zen nodded and took the three to their room. I looked at Veronica and I crossed my arms, "Let me guess. You're excited torture us.", I asked. "WHAAAAA? No! It's not torture. More like decent training.", she winked. I slammed my hand to my face, "You gotta be kidding me.", I sighed 

[Fairy Tail] The Goddess Queen and The Thunder God (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now