Chapter 8

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(A/N: So yeah I'm just gonna go skip the boring stuff cause I know you guys won't enjoy it.)


After 3 months of Physical and Magic training, we went back to the guild. "Thank God that's over...", Freed said. "Same here...", Me, Evergreen, and Brixslow whispered. We were back at the forest and as we got there we saw Natsu and the others who seemed upset. "Natsu?", Veronica said as we walked up to them, "Oh Avvi.", Erza said. "What happened?", Veronica asked. "Well you see.... we were partying at the Celestial spirit realm. And we found out one day there is equals to 3 months here.", Lucy cried. "Wait. So you guys haven't trained yet?!", we asked. And they nodded, "Well then we got a week to prepare. Maybe 3 days of training will be worth it.", Veronica grinned. "What the! You nearly killed-", We covered Freed's mouth. "Yeah you guys should try!", Brixslow smiled awkwardly. "The training was helpful!", Evergreen added. And Natsu and the others agreed, "Okay!", they said. 'Fools.', I sighed.

After 3 days of rest for me and the Thunder Legion, Natsu and his team got tired, "Why didn't you warned us?", Natsu asked. "For fun.", Brixslow laugh. We all waited for Veronica to comeback for the ingredients, some people we knew came. "Jellal?! Ultear?! Meredy?! What are you guys doing here?", Erza asked. "We're here to warn you. About the Grand Magic Games.", Ultear sighed. "We think there's something dark going on there.", Meredy said. "Why?", Natsu asked. After discussing about their theory, Jellal looked at Erza, I did heard they were pretty close, "Erza how are you?", he asked. "Im fine how about you?", Erza asked. "Fine as well. You still look beautiful as ever.", Jellal complemented. Then I heard Veronica came, "Hey guys sorry if it took long-", she stopped talking when she saw Jellal. They both looked at each other like they saw a ghost. "Whats going on?", Juvia asked. Veronica looked down, "Iris... How... How are you?", Jellal asked. "Wait you two know each othere?!", Lucy and Juvia gasped. "Wait. Is she your wife?", Meredy asked. "EX WIFE!", Veronica yelled. "WHAT?!", We all gasped. "You two got married?!", Erza asked. "WERE!", Veronica yelled. Jellal frowned, "We were married and then we got divorced.", He explained. Veronica crossed her arms, "Yeah. I wonder why.", she looked upset. "What happened?", Erza asked. "Back at her world... She was about to give birth to our second son.", he sighed. "What?! Second son?!", They all asked. "So you two have a son?", Happy asked and Jellal nodded, "Yeah. Well when she gave birth to our second son.... well... he died....", he sighed. "Why?", Wendy asked. "Well... I wasn't there, and she was stressed and I didn't helped her... so we got divorced.", Jellal sighed. "How about your first son?", Happy asked. "Where is Gerald?", Jellal asked. Veronica looked down, "He.... he died during Dad's and Amora's destruction...", she frowned. "I'm sorry... I should've knwon... I should've left...", Jellal started to cry. "It's my fault. I should've stayed there a little longer so that I could protect him-", then Veronica's tears started to fall, "NO! It's my fault our son died. I should have let him come with you.", she sobbed. Then everyone stayed silent for a minute. "I'm sorry...", the two said in unison. 

Erza and Jellal were at beach while Ultear and Meredy were with us for breakfast. "So Avvi can I ask something?", I heard Juvia asked. "What is it?", Veronica asked. "What does marriage feel like?", Juvia asked then Lucy, Wendy, and Carla went a little closer to her. "I wanna know too..", Wendy said. "Same here.", Lucy added. Veronica chuckled a little, "You see... marriage is a bit more complicated. And being a role of being a wife has more responsibilities than being a girlfriend. But before you marry someone, you should think if you want to be with him forever. Cause Im telling you, divorce gives you a lot more paperwork", she chuckled. "Noted!", they smiled. When Jellal and Erza came back Jellal called Veronica, "Iris... we need to talk.", he said in a serious tone. Veronica crossed her arms. "What is it?", she asked. "Are having dreams about our son? Gerald?", he asked. She nodded, "I have.....  You don't think...", Veronica looked down and Jellal nodded, "Think what?", Meredy asked. "If he's alive.", Erza said looking at the two, she looked a bit jealous. "Huh? How's that possible? I thought he died?", Freed asked. "Gerald has this special ability. He can go through the dreams of his loved ones. Since we, his parents, are the only ones alive, he can communicate with us.", Jellal said. 'Their son is alive? How?' "How is it possible he is alive?"I asked. Veronica shrugged, "I don't know. ", she sighed.


It was another at guild and it was time to announce the team that will represent Fairy Tail. "Okay. Here is the team that will represent Fairy Tail!", Gramps said as he read the list. "Natsu!... Erza!... Lucy!... Gray!.... And Wendy!", he said. They all partied and of course some were a bit upset because they weren't chosen. Then Gramps called me, Laxus, Gajeel, Mira and Juvia. "What is it Gramps?", I asked. Then Gajeel, Mira, and Juvia were shocked, "Grams?!", they gasped. Laxus sighed. "You see. The reason I called you 5 here is because I found out a guild can represent 2 teams. So I figured you guys could be Team Fairy Tail B!", Gramps grinned. "Eh?!", I said. "But of course, they don't know about it yet. So it would be nice if they just find it out at the games.", Gramps grinned with a thumbs up. "Okay Master.", Mira smiled.  Then Gramps told us which inn we were gonna stay. 

(A/N: Yas Im gonna skip 'how they got there' part)

As we checked in at the inn, we went to our room and I laid down on my bed. And I couldn't stop thinking about the dark aura that I felt ever since we got here. "Veronica? Are you okay?", Laxus asked as he placed his hand on my forehead. "Yeah. I'm okay!", I smiled. He sighed and nodded, "Wait a second! Why are there only 4 beds here?", Juvia asked. Me and Laxus blushed, "Well....", I smiled nervously. "You see....", Laxus smiled awkwardly. "Oh yeah I remembered! Master said you two couldn't sleep comfortably when your not together. Right?", Mira smiled. While Gajeel's and Juvia's jaws dropped. And me and Laxus nodded. "I wish me and Gray are like that~", Juvia sighed. 

Night time cam, then we heard a loud bell, "Attention to all participants this year's Grand Magic Games! Good Morning!", we heard and we all wet to the balcony. It was a hologram of a pumpkin head wearing a wizard costume. "To narrow down the 113 guilds in this year's game to our manageable 8. Let's begin the preliminary round!", the pumpkin head. "WTH!? NOW?!", I asked. After talking about why there was a preliminary round, the ground was shaking."What's happening?!" Juvia asked. "The inn! It's rising!", Mira said. "Now you all will be participating the race! The finish line is at the Domus Flau Colosseum! Only the first 8 teams who reach, will move on to the magic games!", The pumpkin yelled. Then there were was a path forming from the balcony to that weird sphere maze thingy. "Woah!", I backed away a little. "You're free to use magic in any ways you see is fit! There are no restrictions!", the pumpkin yelled. Then I heard they are not responsible for a life loss in the labyrinth. "Without further a do! Let's the Grand Magic Games Sky Labyrinth begin!", he added. Then Laxus and I looked at each other with a grin, "Are you thinking what Im thinking?", I asked. Laxus nodded, "No restrictions. And you can use your magic freely." he grinned. "So?", Gajeel asked. "I'm gonna teleport us to the finish line!", I laughed. "NO WAY YOU CAN DO THAT!", They gasped. "Now hold on to Veronica's hand!", Laxus said while he hugged behind me. Then we all teleported to the finish line though it was a bit longer than we expected but atleast we got there, "Wow! that was a bit fast!", the pumpkin head said as we got there, "Yeah.", I chuckled. "That means you guys are the 2nd team! Good luck!", he said as he vanished. Then I felt another dark aura, beneath me and then at the labyrinth.

[Fairy Tail] The Goddess Queen and The Thunder God (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now