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I woke up in the same spot as I fell asleep in— Dean's arm wrapped tightly around me, and my head resting on his chest.

I looked up at Dean, who was still snoozing away. I leaned and kissed his cheek before peeling his arm from around me so I could stand up. I winced slightly as my muscles were sore as I walked inside the house before finding my phone quickly.

From: Amy
Have you heard from Dean yet, sweetie?
I hope things are going well.

From: Trinity
Oh my GOD GIRL. You left with Dean??
You better give me EVERY detail.

I walked to the bathroom and took in my rough appearance in the mirror. My hair was fuzzy, I had dark marks on my neck. I lifted the shirt up and seen the bruises left on my hips by Dean's fingertips, and I smiled, remembering every event of last night.

I grew more curious and turned around, my eyes widening as I seen the welts and distinctive hand prints on my butt. My fingers brushed the marks, making me wince as they burned.

"Hello?" I answered my phone as I received a call from Holly.

"Hey, sweetie. How are things going?"

"Things are great," I told her after I had finished examining my sexual battle scars.

"Really? I take it you heard from Dean?"

"I did more than heard from him," I laughed softly as I stood at the back door, peering at Dean.


"He, um, made his feelings clear to me. He said he wants me and wants to be with me. He got us both days off and flew us somewhere to spend time together,"

"Really? How exciting!"

"Yep. We went for a real nice dinner, and came home and.. yeah, things are going very well,"

"I'm assuming you had sex,"

"Well, I wasn't trying to say that, but yeah,"

"I'm glad you found someone good for you, honey. You'll have to let me know how the rest of your trip goes,"

"I will, Holly. I love you,"

"I love you, too, sweetheart,"

I quickly hung up and found Trinity's number, pressing the phone to my ear.

"Ooh, girl! You better explain!"

"So, I kind of lost it on him the other night because I didn't know what we were, or if we were anything, y'know? I told him to figure out what he wanted and then get back to me when he was ready to tell me what he wanted,"

"Why? Why would you do that?"

"He was just all wanting sexy stuff and I wasn't about to do anything I was going to regret since I was clearly getting feelings,"

"Oh. Well, what happened next?"

"Well, I got sent home from Smackdown and Shane gave me the next four days off. I was super confused. I got back to the hotel and then there was a knock on my door. I pulled the door open, and there Dean was, his lips on mine,"

"Oh, girl!!!"

"Anyways, he was the one to request the days off for me. He flew us somewhere secret and we went to dinner and it was really nice—"

"Did y'all have sex?"

"I am not in a position to either confirm or deny your accusation," I smirked, dragging my finger across the DA on my shirt.

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