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three days later

"Are you going to eat that?" Jon asked me, reaching to hover his fork above my leftovers.

"Nope," I said, pushing my plate over to him.

"Today's stuff is good," he smiled, peering up at me with his sparkling blue eyes.

"I love the way you look at food," I giggled, taking a drink of my water before Dolph, or Nic, sat down next to us.

"What's up, guys?" he asked enthusiastically.

"Just eatin'," Jon shrugged. "What's up with you, sparkle-boy?"

"Just came to hang out. Everyone in the locker room heard about you and Colby and Joe not bein' friends anymore. Heard some rumors, kinda wanted to clarify with you guys before anything got spread," he said, making me furrow my brows.

"What was said?" I asked, looking at Jon, who still shoved his face carelessly before looking back to Nic.

"It's said you and Colby aren't friends because he basically jumped you and went back to the Authority," he explained, making Jon nod.

"Pretty much true. Fucking sell-out piece of—"

"Honey, please," I groaned softly.

"I'm sorry," he sighed. "Colby is Kaia's cousin. I havta keep it clean about him,"

"Oh, gotcha," Nic nodded. "And about Joe... Don't take this the wrong way,"

"Spill it," Jon said, finally looking at Nic.

"Guys are sayin' you guys had a threesome with him over a bet," he said bluntly, making me snap up to meet Jon's gaze.

"Who said that?" he asked, looking back at Nic.

"A lot of guys are. Someone said that it was all bondage-y and stuff," he explained, making my chest tighten. "With all due respect, someone said that Kaia has the scars on her ass to prove,"

"Jon," I whispered before Jon slammed his fists on the table.

"You can tell all those fuckers to keep our names out of their mouths, you hear me?!" He growled, making me jump back.

"I'm not here to cause problems. I'm actually here to be your friend, because I know how it is to be alone around here," Nic said, peering between us.

"We don't need—"

"Honey, Nic just wants to help. It wouldn't hurt to have a friend around here," I said, grabbing Jon's hand.

"We don't need friends, Kaia. Remember the last time we thought we had friends?" he asked, how brows furrowing deeply, making me purse my lips and look down.

"Thanks, Nic, but we've got some trust issues to get over first. I appreciate your concern," I smiled, reaching to pat his shoulder. I could feel Jon's eyes burning holes in the side of my head, but Nic nodded and dismissed it, standing up from our table and walking away.

"So now I have trust issues?" Jon asked angrily, making me jump as his voice resonated in my head.

"Jon, that's not what I meant—"

"I know what you meant, Kaia. I've got some shit to get over, but you don't need to point it out to god and everyone," he scoffed, running his hands though his hair.

"Jon, please don't do this," I whispered, looking around at the eyes that were stuck on us.

"I fucking hate this. I feel like everyone hates me now, and I never did anything to anyone," he growled before standing up and shoving the table back. "What the fuck are you all looking at?! There's nothing even fucking happening, so if you would keep your eyes to your fucking self and keep them off me and my girl, that would be fan-fucking-tastic,"

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