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one week later, Sunday, SummerSlam.

"I really don't want to do this," I told Colby as I stood by the room where I'd be walking in to find Dean and Liv macking off.

"You've got to. I'll be with Joe, so if you feel uncomfortable, hug me instead. I'll pay your fine," he told me, hugging me briefly before the camera man walked over.

"Ready, Kaia?" he asked before I nodded, taking a deep breath as he signaled we were rolling. I turned and knocked on Dean's dressing room door, to which he answered quickly... and alone.

"Hi, Dean. Congratulations on successfully defending your Universal title once again tonight against Kevin Owens. I was hoping to maybe get a statement on how you feel about Kevin's sudden outburst of anger after your match, when he was assaulting the referee and anyone else in his path," I said, pointing to microphone to him.

"Y'know, Kaia, Kevin is just—"

He was interrupted by Liv, who jumped onto Dean, pressing her lips to his. Even though it was staged, I felt anger deep in my heart as my eyes widened.

"Congrats, baby!" she squealed as he lightly pushed her away. "I told you you could do it! Now we can go celebrate!"

"What the hell? Kaia, I—"

"Oh, I didn't even see you there, Kaia. He's mine now, sorry," Liv smirked, latching onto Dean's arm. I sighed and turned to drop the microphone, running towards where Joe and Colby would be.

"Kaia!" Dean shouted again before I found Joe, who stared in fake-awe at the screen in front of him.

"Dean, back off," Joe hissed as he noticed me. He pulled me into his arms and away from Dean, who was red with embarrassment and anger as Joe held me tight.

"Kaia, let—"

"No. Get out of here, Dean," Joe growled as Dean's fists clenched. He peered from me to Joe to Colby before turning and storming off. "Don't worry, Kaia. I'll take care of you, okay?"

I nodded and sighed before the camera man cleared us, and I ripped myself from Joe's grip. I sighed and looked to Colby, who wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"See, it wasn't that bad," he smiled, shaking me softly.

"I want to rip Liv's lips off her face, and hands, and every other part of her body that touched him, but it was just a promo, right?" I sighed angrily, letting my eyes close.

"You sound like Dean," Joe scoffed.

"Well, that's where the last six months of my life have been, so it doesn't surprise me that I sound like him," I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Kaia!" Liv skipped up to us, making me raise a brow, unimpressed.

"What?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Deano didn't know that this was a promo, so you should probably check on him," she said, her brows furrowing at my scowl. "Kurt told me not to tell him,"

"You're fucking kidding me," I shook my head, rushing to walk down the hallway. "Dean! Where'd you go?"

"Dean's lashing out down in catering. He's just talking to himself, freaking out," Braun told me as he walked by. I shook my head and ran to catering, where I stopped when I seen Dean tugging at his own hair, whispering profanities to himself. I slowly approached behind him as he leaned his head against the wall.

"She's with fucking Joe. Of course she would. Probably because I hate that stupid piece of shit. Fucking Liv ruining fucking everything. I can't fucking believe this," he hissed to himself, making me frown. I gently wrapped my arms around his heaving torso, hugging him tightly from behind before his hands grabbed mine, prying them off me.

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