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one week later

"Baby, quit worrying," Jonathan told me as he lifted weights. "I will be fine, Okay?"

"I just worry, Jonathan," I sighed, sitting across from him.

"Would it make you feel better if I asked for a script to be made up for it?" he asked, setting the weight on the rack and walking to grab my hands.

"No. I know if you just leave it, you have a chance to win," I said, leaning against his hip, wrapping my arms around his leg. "Don't let him get you in that straight jacket, okay?"

"I won't. Trust me, I wont," he assured me before pulling me to my feet. "Lets go, okay? We can go cuddle, or something, and not talk about Brock Lesnar or the match at Extreme Rules,"

"Alright, alright," I groaned, wrapping my arm around his back as we walked out of the gym.

two weeks later, two weeks until Extreme Rules

"Okay, Kaia, just go on out there and ask the winner how they feel about being the number one contender for the WWE Championship, okay?" The crew member told me, handing me a microphone. I nodded and took the guarded exit to the ring, walking to stand near JoJo and the time keeper.

I watched on as Kevin Owens and Jinder fought, which seemed an odd mix. Finally, of course, Kevin won. I groaned and climbed into the ring, putting on my fake smile and waiting for his music to fade.

"Kevin, congrats on being the number one contender for the WWE Championship against AJ Styles in two weeks at Extreme Rules," I said before pointing the mic at him.

"Thanks, Kaia. How's your hand doing, by the way?" he asked, smirking down at me.

"It's good, thanks," I said, quirking a brow as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Now, Kaia, you are looking at the next WWE Champion. The only thing that could make this better is if you would join me in a celebratory dinner. How does Friday sound?" he asked, making my eyes widen.

"Kevin, I—" I was cut off my Jonathan running into the ring, taking Kevin off his feet, throwing punch after punch at Kevin's face.

"I told you not to touch her!" Jon yelled before I realized he was actually hitting Kevin.

"Dean, stop!" I shouted into the mic before Joe and Colby slid into the ring, pulling Jonathan off a bleeding Kevin.

"I told you, boy! I told you not to touch her!" he shouted before Joe and Colby forced him out of the ring.

"Save your energy, Dean! You've got bigger things to worry about!" Joe yelled at Jon before I caught up with them, ushering them backstage.

"Jonathan," I sighed, grabbing his hands, which had specks of Kevin's blood on them.

"I warned him, Kaia. I told him that I would come after him if he ever laid hands on you after our feud ended. He was warned," Jonathan told me, wiping his hands off quickly. "I won't let him touch you, and I told you that,"

"Hey," I stopped him, reaching up to cup his cheek. "I love you,"

"I love you, too," he smiled as I pulled him into a hug.

"I appreciate you," I said, pulling back to press my lips to his.

"Jon!" Vince shouted, making us pull away from each other completely.

"Alright, Vince, don't come out here yelling at me. I know—"

"I'm not here to yell at you. I'm here to tell you that you won't have to face any repercussions for this because I was there when you told him not to touch Kaia again," Vince said, crossing his arms. "Don't let anyone tell you that you're in trouble, because you're not. Kevin shouldn't have touched Kaia. You warned him,"

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