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Next Monday

I stood by mine and Jon's locker room door, waiting patiently with a camera in my face as I fixed the wraps on my hands. Earlier in the night, the crew caught a cameo of me training with Jon, which they had me punch Jon in the gut to prove my 'strength'. I never almost laughed like that on TV, but Jon sold my hit like no tomorrow.

I sighed as Colby walked up to me, hair dripping wet as he looked to the ground.

"Yes?" I asked with a quirked brow.

"Kaia, listen, we need to talk. I—"

"I frankly don't care what you have to say. What you've done to Dean and I the last few weeks is unforgivable, Seth. You know I love Dean, and you hurting him is hurting me," I told him sternly, crossing my arms. "Why do you want to hurt us?"

"I'm sorry, Kaia. The things I've done, the things I've said, I don't mean it. I get caught up in all the title drama backstage and I got excited again with the Authority," he said, letting out a deep sigh. "I'm sorry. I really miss the relationship we had, the relationship that I had with Dean. If I can get you to forgive me, then there might be a chance he would forgive me. What do you say?"

"I say that you hit me with a chair a few weeks ago. That's what I say," I scoffed, looking down to my perfectly manicured nails.

"Come on, Kaia. We're family. You can't hold a grudge forever," he groaned.

"Oh, well, look at me, still holding a grudge," I smirked, looking up at him. "You hurt my boyfriend, you've hurt me in the ring, you think it's funny to bring up my dad who passed away? Why is that something I should forgive you for?"

"I-I know what I did was bad, Kaia. I'm so sorry," he frowned. "Remember when we would have trampoline wrestling matches? I'd always let you win. The tag team names we'd come up with?"

I was curious as to why he went off script. I didn't know what to say at this point, but I figured I out to play along.

"Yeah, the Davenport Bandits," I smiled, making him laugh.

"Come on, Kaia. Let's be the Davenport Bandits again, and be family again," he said, opening his arms. I rolled my eyes at the stupid face he made before leaning in to his hug.

"I still think you're a jerk, but we can fix that later," I smiled lightly, making him sighed softly. We shared the embrace before we pulled away and he turned to walk to the gorilla, his music dropping in the process before Jon walked up behind me, grabbing my waist.

"What did he want?" he asked lowly as I turned to him.

"Just talking," I said softly, making him nod before leaning down to kiss me. The camera man signaled the end of our promo before Jon grabbed my hand and we ran to our next spot, where we would be pre-filming our next promo.

Jon and I sat together near the men's locker room, talking and strategizing his next match. He playfully punched me in the stomach, making me laugh before he softly grabbed my waist to lean down and kiss me.

"Oh, hey," Joe said softly. This was the promo I was least excited about.

"Can we help you?" I asked, putting my hand on my hip.

"Yeah, actually," he said, letting out a deep sigh. "Look, Dean, Kaia, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything,"

"Are you really, though?" Jon asked, furrowing his brows as he shielded me from Joe. "Are you really sorry, Roman?"

"I am. I-I messes up bad in the past. We all have, but mostly me. I've said and done a lot of things that I shouldn't have," he continued.

"Damn right, you did," I said, rolling my eyes.

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