Our Lady

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"Blessed Virgin Mary"

Mary, our mother, gave birth to Jesus. She was at the foot of the cross when Jesus had died. Mary married a man named Joseph but the child wasn't his because the Holy Spirit caused the pregnancy after Mary told the Angel Gabriel (Chapter 14) that she would do whatever God wanted her to do when she said," I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to your word." (Luke 1:38). Catholics say "Hail Mary"s especially in the rosary to venerate her. We believe she is a very important saint because she held Jesus inside of her for 9 months and anyone to have done that had to be holy. She lived a life free from sin and did everything she could to teach Jesus about the Torah and his Father (aka God). Our Lady was assumed, as in brought body and soul, into Heaven. This is not to be confused with the assentation into Heaven of Jesus. God took Mary into Heaven; Jesus took himself into Heaven. I'll list a few other titles of her so you could research those. If you'd like to hear about more about them, feel free to comment below and I'll add a part to this chapter! :) 

Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady of Fatima

Our Lady of Czestochowa 

Our Lady of Knock

Our Lady of Guadalope 

Our Lady of Help

Our Lady of Loreto

The Immaculate Conception

Our Lady of Sorrows 

There are several feast days for Our Lady but I'll list a few; if you'd like to know one that isn't mentioned, feel free to comment :) 

Feast of the Assumption: August 15

The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God: January 1

The Immaculate Conception: December 8

The Virgin Mary patron saint of: Mothers, human activity **specific apparitions of Mary have more. If you want to know who a specific apparition of Mary is the patron of, comment which apparition and I'll add it**

Canonization Date: Mary was never canonized as we do today because that process didn't begin until the 12th century. Before the canonization process that we know of today was around, people would be deemed a saint by everyone who lived with them (this is called "saints by acclamation"). Catholics acknowledge many of the people before this canonization process as saints, Mary being one of them

For more Information about her:





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