St. Margaret of Antioch

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She is believed to be a daughter of a pagan priest. She is called Marina sometimes. Her mother died when she was an infant and instead was raised by a Christian woman. When she converted, her father disowned her and so her nurse adopted her. She devoted her life and body to only Jesus.

She was very beautiful and refused proposals from Olybius who was a noble after he tried getting her to sleep with him. He denounced her as a Christian and brought before trial. When she refused to sacrifice to the pagan gods, they tried to burn her and boil her but her prayers kept her unharmed. She was imprisoned and tortured. She was beheaded after being swallowed by a dragon and other legendary adventures. She is one of the 14 Holy Helpers and spoke to St. Joan of Arc. She died in the year of 304.

Her story is very similar to St. Barbara's (Chapter 25)

Feast Day: July 20

Patron of: Childbirth, pregnant women, dying people, kidney disease, peasants, exiles, falsely accused people, nurses, and more

Canonization date: Saint by acclamation 

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