St. Catherine of Sienna

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Catherine was born during the middle of the plague in Sienna, Italy on March 25, 1347. She was the 25th child of her mother's but only half of her siblings survived childhood. Catherine was a twin but her sister died as a baby. Her mother was 40 when she was born and her father a cloth dyer. 

When Catherine was 16 her sister died which left her husband a widower. Catherine's parents wanted her to marry the man but Catherine didn't want to. She began to fast and cut her hair short to make her look less attractive in attempt to dissuade the widower. 

Eventually, her parents caved in and let her do what she chose. Catherine saw her father as Jesus, her mother as Our Lady, and her brothers as the apostles so she served them with humility and obedience. She joined the Third Order of St. Dominic (Chapter 22) which allowed her to associate with a religious society but stay home. She was taught how to read by them and lived quietly in her home. 

Catherine developed a habit of giving things away. She always gave away her family's food and clothing without permission because it was always so spontaneous. 

When she was 21, she was given a ring from Jesus in a vison but it was invisible to everyone. She was told to reenter public life and help the poor and sick. Immediately, she rejoined her family and went into public so she could help everyone in need. She constantly visited hospitals and homes where most of the poor and sick were found. 

She grew deeper into her path and began to travel, calling for reform of the Church and for people to confess and love God completely. Catherine become involved in politics and played a huge role in keeping city states loyal to the current pope. She visited a political prisoner once and is credited to saving his soul after she saw it being taken up to heaven when he had died. 

Catherine received the stigmata, the wounds of Christ on the cross, but it was only visible to her. Her confessor and spiritual director was Blessed Raymond of Capua (Chapter 23).

Ever since 1375, she dictated letters to scribes. She begged for peace and demanded that the Pope in Avignon return to Rome when he left.  Both were accomplished. 

Catherine created a monastery for women in 1377 outside of Siena. Because of all the writing Catherine had in composing 400 letters and how influential they are to this day, she is a Doctor of the Church. 

When she was 33, she became ill probably because of her extreme fasting. Raymond told her to eat but she said it was difficult to do so which was probably of her illness. Eventually, she was unable to eat and within weeks she couldn't use her legs. On April 29, she died from a stroke. 

Feast Day: April 29

Patron of:  illness in the USA, Italy, Europe, miscarriages, people ridiculed for their faith, sexual temptation, and nurses

Canonization Date: July of 1461 by Pope Pius II

For more information on her life:


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