St. Peter

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Peter was a native to Bethsaida and is mentioned in all 4 gospels. While he was fishing, Jesus came and told him which side of the boat to get fish but Peter said that they had been fishing all day. Reluctantly, he switched sides and caught so many fish, his net began to tear and the ship almost flipped over. 

Simon Peter fell to his knees and begged," Leave me, Lord; I am a sinful man." Jesus replied saying that he would make Peter fishers of men signifying that he wanted Peter to be his apostle. Peter left his fish and boats behind to follow Jesus. He is known as the spokesmen of the 12 apostles and the one for his "little faith" as he displays in several different stories. 

One night while the apostles were boating and Jesus was praying on shore, they experiences rough waves. Jesus began to walk on the water and all were afraid, believing it to be a ghost. Jesus replied that was him and told Peter to come. Peter began walking on the water but when he noticed the wind, he began to fear and cried to the Lord to save him. Jesus did and said," You have so little faith... why did you doubt?"

Peter cut the high priest's servant's ear off when Jesus was taken captive by the Romans and Jesus had to heal him. Jesus said to Peter," Put your sword back in its scabbard; am I not to drink the cup that the Father has given me?" 

Peter then denied knowing Jesus three times like Jesus predicted even though Peter told Him," Even if all fall away, I will not." Legend has it that Peter cried so hard over him disowning his master, tear stains were left on his cheeks for the rest of his life (I'm not sure if this is true but I heard this)

Jesus resurrected from the dead and was the first one he appeared to was Peter. Jesus said later that Simon Peter would be the rock of his church. 

Jesus, to forgive Peter of denying him, asked Peter three times if he loved Him. Every time, Peter answered more sincerely that he loved the Lord with all his might. 

Peter was the first to preform miracles after Pentecost (when the Holy Spirit descended onto all 12 apostles and Mary). He baptized the Roman pagan Cornelius and preached to the Gentiles. There are many stories of Peter following the ascension of Jesus. 

King Herod began to persecute specific members of the church. He ended up beheading St. James (Chapter 26).The Jewish community was glad that the Christians were being killed to King Herod started trying to kill Peter. He imprisoned Peter but the day before Peter would have been tried and killed, an angel helped him escape. 

Peter returned to Jerusalem and tried to convert the cities of Antioch, Corinth, and Rome. It's certain that he died in Rome and is buried under the grounds of Vatican City. A legend of this story is that Peter was trying to flee Rome during it's persecution when he saw Jesus carrying His cross and walking the opposite direction into Rome. Peter asked what Jesus was doing and he said he was going to take His father's cup. Peter immediately turned back and went into Rome where he was killed by hanging on a cross as a sign of mockery since Jesus did. He said that it was too sacred for him to be crucified the way Jesus was and asked to be flipped upside down. The Romans didn't care as long as he was dead so they flipped the cross over. 

In 1950, human bones were discovered beneath the alter of St. Peter's Basilica and many believe that it was Peter's. In 1953, a study of Peter's tomb in Jerusalem bearing the name Simon was found. There were tombs of other apostles there too. In the 1960's, another study conducted was to re-examine the bones and were identified as male bones. Pope Paul VI declared to be Peter's. 

St. Peter is also honored on February 22 and November 18 as well. His symbols include an inverted cross, a boat, and the rooster (because a rooster crowed 3 times after he denied Jesus 3 times as Jesus prophesized)

Comment any of the apostles that you would like me to talk about!!

Feast Day: June 29

Patron of: fishermen, net makers, ship builders

Canonization Date: Saint by acclamation

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