St. Catherine of Alexandria

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St. Catherine of Alexandria was born in Alexandria, Egypt in around the year of 287. It was one  of the finest cities in Egypt at the time. It was a center of learning and of faith. 

She was of noble birth which could be princess or high ranking. Catherine was educated and a scholar. At 14, she had a vision of Mary with the infant Jesus which caused her to become a Christian. She was extremely intelligent and gifted. When the emperor Maxentius began to persecute Christians, Catherine visited him to tell him how evil he was being. Instead of killing her, Maxentius had fifty orators and philosophers debate her. During that, the Holy Spirit was with her and several pagans converted to Christianity but were immediately executed. The emperor grew furious that he couldn't defeat her so he ordered her to be tortured and imprisoned. She was arrested and scourged but didn't change her beliefs. 

Word of her arrest and faith spread and over 200 people visited her. Some legends even state the emperor's wife, Valeria Maximilla, was converted. Because of this, the emperor executed his wife. This isn't mentioned in historical record but many legends of saints have been proved true so this could very well be a fact. 

Maxentius tried one last attempt to dissuade Catherine from her faith by proposing to her because she was beautiful and intelligent. She refused because she told him she was only married to Jesus. 

The emperor, furious, ordered her to be executed on a breaking wheel. It was a form of torture where a person's limbs were threaded among spokes and bones shattered by an executioner with a heavy rod. Because it was so brutal because of how slow and painful it was, only the worst criminals would have it done to them. When Catherine was brought to the wheel, she touched it and the wheel shattered. The emperor ordered her to be beheaded after.

Some people say that the angels took her body to Mt. Sinai. There was a rumor around the year 800 that her body had been found with her hair still growing and a constant stream of oil coming from her body. 

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Feast Day: November 25

Patron of: Students, unmarried girls, apologists

Canonization date: Saint by acclamation 

For more information on her life:

St. Catherine of Alexandria is such an old saint that none of her writings if she had any have been preserved and I have no quotes of hers :)

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