St. Dominic

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St. Dominic was born into a Spanish noble house in Caleruega, Spain in the year of 1170. His father was Felix Guzman and mother Blessed Joan of Aza (Chapter 27). During a pilgrimage of his mother's, she had a dream of a dog leaping from her womb with a torch in its mouth. He was named Dominic because Domini canis means "Lord's dog" in Latin. It could also be that he was named after St. Dominic de Silos (Chapter 28).

He spent 6 years studying theology and arts. He was known as an outstanding student and all his professors loved him. A famine in 1191 left hundreds homeless and hungry in Spain. Dominic decided to sell all they he had to buy food for the pooor. He sold manuscripts that he needed to study because he couldn't bear the thought that he could save someone from starvation with it. Dominic even tried to sell himself into slavery to the Moors so he could give freedom to others but was denied. 

Dominic joined a Benedictine order in 1194 and became the superior of it in 1201. He joined the bishop on a trip to Denmark to help find the Prince Ferdinand a wife but she died before he could leave Spain. Because of this, she traveled from Rome so the Bishop could resign from his office to convert unbelievers. 

Pope Innocent III disagreed their idea to convert nonbelievers so he sent them to southern France to convert heretics back which was flourishing in France. It praised suicide and purposely starving yourself or others. It said that all material things even the body were evil. Catholics teach that your body is a gift from God and that some things are good to have. 

When Dominic debated those heretics, they couldn't think of ways to defend their position. In return, they threatened him with violence and although it was dangerous, Dominic continued to travel through the area to help the ignorant.

He helped defend those Catholics fasley accused of heresy (like St. Joan of Arc (Chapter 15) was)

According to legend, Dominic received a Rosary from Our Lady (Chapter 3) during a vision of hers and spread the news of this new way of praying. Some historians claim that this never happened but the way of praying the Rosary became popular after this. I believe this legend to be true because many legends of saints are true. 

He formed his own order known as the "Dominicans" now which are still around today. They follow a Rule of Life which has strict discipline, prayer, penance, education, and traveled to preach. 

Dominic never became more than the smallest position. He didn't sleep in a bed and removed his sandals whenever he could no matter how bad the path looked. He never stopped praying and only praised God no matter how difficult his situation was. Dominic barely owned anything. 

Dominic realized he needed written rules for his followers because he adapted St. Augustine's (Chapter 27) rule. Every superior had only a limited period of time to be one. The order was to only be supported with alms and still is. Preaching and studying were the main practices of these groups. 

In July of 1221, Dominic became sick with a fever. He still refused to sleep on a bed and laid on the ground. He passed away when he was 51 on August 6. Although this is young for our time and age, it was pretty old in the year of 1221 because there wasn't much medicine or anything. 

Comment any saints that started their own group of monks/nuns that you'd like me to talk about! 

Feast Day: August 8

Patron of: Astronomers, Dominican Republic, falsely accused people, 

Canonization Date: July 13, 1234 by Pope Gregory IX

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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