St. Clare of Assisi

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St. Clare of Assisi was born in Assisi, Italy on July 16, 1194 with the name of Chiara Offreduccio. She was a beautiful oldest daughter of her parents the Count of Sasso-Rosso, Favorino Sciffi, and Ortolana. Her father was very rich and a representative of an ancient Roman family (according to legend) and her mother part of a noble family of Fiumi. 

When Clare was 18, she heard St. Francis of Assisi (Chapter 8) give a homily during a Lenten service and asked him to help her live the way Jesus wanted her to. On Palm Sunday in 1212, Clare left her father and met with Francis in a small chapel where her golden hair was cut off and given a plain robe and veil. 

She joined the convent of Benedictine nuns and was hunted down by her father, trying to force her back home. Clare refused and said she wouldn't marry anyone. Clare wanted more seclusion so Francis sent her to another Benedictine nun monastery called Sant' Angelo where Clare's sister Catarina took the name Agnes and joined her.

More women joined them and soon became known as the "Poor Ladies of San Damiano". They wore no shoes, didn't eat meat, lived in a poor house, and were silent almost the entire time. They only prayed and had manual labor but were extremely happy because this was the life they were called to have and were with God the entire time. 

This convent soon was directed by St. Francis until Clare became the abbess. 10 years after Clare died, it became known as the Order of St. Clare. 

Clare defended this order from attempts of changing the rules to be closer to St. Benedict's (Chapter 9) rule than Francis's. Clare was so dedicated to Francis that she saw his as a spiritual father figure and took care of him when he was older and had more trouble doing things. When he died, she continued to promote her order even though each pope tried to water down her "radical commitment to corporate poverty". 

When an army under Frederick II in 1224 came to attack Assisi, Clare met them with the Blessed Sacrament on her hands. She had it place on the wall where enemies could see it and begged God to save the sisters on her knees by saying," O Lord, protect these Sisters whom I cannot protect now." A voice replied," I will keep them always in my care." All of a sudden, the soldiers felt afraid and ran from Assisi as fast as their legs could take them before they could harm anyone in Assisi. 

Clare died at age 59 on August 11, 1253 and her remains were placed in the chapel of San Giorgio. Pope Innocent began the canonization process immediately and after two years, she was to be called St. Clare of Assisi. Her remains were transferred to a Basilica in her honor when it finished in 1260. 

She became the patroness of television because when she was very ill and couldn't attend mass, she was reportedly able to see and hear it on the wall in her room. The reason why she is depicted so much of carrying a monstrance is to remember the time when she warded off the attackers with the Blessed Sacrament. 

Comment nuns who became saints that you'd like me to talk about next!! Also if you have questions about specific orders or the canonization process, feel free to comment that too. 

Feast Day: August 11

Patron of: eye disease, goldsmiths, laundry, television

Canonized Date: September 26, 1255 by Pope Alexander IV

For more information on her:

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